29 November 1861
My Lord Duke
The Municipal Council of
New Westminster,
British Columbiaby
by a resolution passed at a large public meeting, held here
on the
14th of October, were requested to forward to Your
Grace, A Memorial adopted by that meeting, praying Her Majesty's
Government, to consent to the grant of a subsidy, out of the
revenue of the Colony of
British Columbia, as an aid, to
establish an Ocean Line of Mail Steam communication with this Colony.
The Memorial was forwarded to His Excellency the Governor
for transmission to Your Grace on the 25 of October, and a copy
of the Memorial, was at the same time forwarded by Express,
which no doubt Your Grace will receive.
There being no reply, from His Excellency the
Governor, of
the Memorial having been forwarded to Your Grace, the
enclosed correspondence ensued relative thereto, to which the
Municipal Council beg most respectfully to call the attention
of Your Grace, shewing as it
does, some of the difficulties
that often occur, in not having a resident Governor; by whom
the feelings of the people, and the interests of the Colony,
would be properly understood, and fairly represented to Her
Majesty's Government.
Minutes by CO staff
Already recd.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
John Ramage, President, Municipal Council of
New Westminster,
18 November 1861, forwarding copy of resolution
disputing the explanation of the governor with regard to a memorial
previously forwarded and mislaid in
Vancouver Island, and expressing
dissatisfaction with the absentee government in the colony.
W.E. Cormack, Chairman of Municipal Council, to
23 October 1861, forwarding a memorial asking the imperial
government to subsidize a direct steam communication to the colony.
V. Hall, Clerk of Municipal Council, to
W.A.G. Young, Colonial
7 November 1861, advising that a memorial had been
previously forwarded to the governor, and asking whether it had
been received and forwarded to the Secretary of State.
Young to Municipal Council,
12 November 1861, asking on
behalf of the governor when and how the memorial was forwarded.
Hall to
14 November 1861, advising the memorial was
forwarded on
23 October in the care of
Captain Mouat who placed
the communication in the
Victoria post office.
Young to Municipal Council,
19 November 1861,
stating the governor had not received the memorial, and requesting
that a second copy be prepared and sent.
Ramage to
23 November 1861, doubting that the post office had mislaid the communication, and endorsing the resolution
passed by
the council on
18 November as noted above.