No. 33
21 May 1863
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your
Grace's despatch N
o 11 of the
10th February last having reference to the illicit supply of spirits by the Masters of Trading
to the Indians on the North West Coast of
British Columbia.
2. The large extent of coast, with its inlets and bays,
uninhabited by white people; the numerous Islands lying off
it forming intricate channels and hiding places, afford I
am sorry to say very great facilities for this iniquitous
traffic, the profits of which are so large as to induce
unscrupulous readily to incur the risk of capture and
conviction. The vile spirit that is sold to the Indian is
the origin of nearly all the trouble we have with them,
and for years past my anxious attention has been given to
intercept the trade. To put a stop to it altogether would
require a Fleet of Revenue Vessels constantly cruizing on
the coast, but I believe with the limited means
at command
the traffic has been reduced to a minimum.
3. HM Ship
Devastation has but just returned
from a cruize on the coast upon which she was sent by
Commodore Spencer at my requisition, and I am happy to say that through
the energy of
Commander Pike three vessels have been seized
and condemned,
and a large quantity of pure alchohol and
manufactured spirits confiscated.
4. I enclose herewith for your Grace's information a
copy of
Commander Pike's Report of proceedings and I would
take this opportunity of representing to your Grace that
this is the second occasion upon which
Commander Pike has
rendered good service to
the Colony in a manner which marks
him as an intelligent persevering and most judicious Officer.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
e rec
t, signify the approval of the
Duke of
Newcastle of the proceedings adopted by the Governor, and
say that the only way of checking this illicit trade in
spirits is by putting the Law into full force against the
violators of it.
Add that the
Duke of Newcastle has had much pleasure
in forwarding to the Adm
y a copy of the Governor's
despatch commending the services of
Commander Pike.
I agree, with the exception only that I doubt whether we
need insert the passage which I have marked in pencil. I
think that an approval of what he has done will be sufficient,
without the general remark about the future?
I think so. The Bishop of Columbia gave me a striking
account the other day of the lamentable effects upon the
Indians of this vile supply of the vilest spirits.
Douglas's efforts to prevent it deserve all praise.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Simpson and Boatswain
W.T. Daw to
7 April 1863,
advising that they had boarded the
Kingfisher and found a large quantity of liquor, the
master admitting that he had traded liquor for furs with the natives.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to Secretary to the Admiralty,
27 July 1863, forwarding
copy of the despatch and commending the services of
Commander Pike.
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Collins, George
Daw, W. T.
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Morris, Louis
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Pike, Commander John W.
Simpson, Master F. O.
Singleton, Lieutenant W. C.
Spencer, Captain J. W. S.
Vessels in this document
HMS Devastation, 1841-1866
Places in this document
British Columbia
Cormorant Island
Vancouver Island