14 September 1863
My Lord Duke,
As I propose leaving this place in a few days on a
visit to
British Columbia for the purpose of instituting
measures for the introduction of the new
form of Government,
and as I will not while there have opportunities of
communicating regularly with Your Grace, I will now inform
Your Grace that no material change in the state of the
Colony has taken place since the date of my last report.
2. On the subject of the public works undertaken
year I have now the satisfaction to report the entire
completion of the
Lillooet Alexandria carriage road
terminating at the latter place, and the proximate
completion of all but a section of three miles (3 miles) of the
Alexandria line which unites with the former at
A detachment of Royal Engineers
are now at work on the
unfinished part of the latter road, and I am informed
it will be fully open for carriage traffic by the middle
of next month. The section of this road between
Yale and
Lytton was from the nature of the Country the most
expensive and arduous part of the whole undertaking, and
presented obstacles almost insurmountable with our
limited means. Instead of the former dangerous Ferry
Spuzzum the
Fraser is now spanned by a handsome Wire
Suspension Bridge of Two hundred and sixty eight feet (268 feet)
span, at
Chapmans Bar, fifteen miles (15 miles) from
Yale, a work
of great public utility constructed entirely at the expense
Mr John
Trutch in consideration of a Charter
him to levy certain Tolls on goods and animals, rather less
than the late Ferry charges, for a term of seven years (7 years),
after which the Bridge will become the property of the
Government. An accurate description of this Bridge which
is to be named "Alexandra" in honor of Her Royal Highness
the Princess of Wales, will be found in the enclosed slip
from a local paper. The whole journey from
New Westminster
Alexandria may now be readily made in eight days by a
connected line of Steamboats and stages running constantly
between those places. From
Soda Creek below
a river Steamer plies on
Fraser river to
Quesnel and a
good horse road, formed this season, connects
the latter
place with
Richfield, sixty three miles (63 miles) distant, thus
completing the chain of communication between the Coast
and the centre of the
Carriboo District. These works
have been necessarily expensive, but they are of incalculable
advantage to the Colony which in fact could not have attained
any degree
of prosperity without the facilities they offer.
3. The reports from
Lillooet continue to speak favourably
Bridge river as a Gold Field, and as a generally attractive
District for the Miner. The Gold Commissioner reports on
10th of August that some Italian miners had just found
a good prospect
Bridge river above the chasm, and under
the head of agricultural improvements, he reports as follows—
I have much pleasure in reporting that there has been a large
increase in the growth of grain in the district of
this year. It is difficult to ascertain with correctness the
quantity of acres under cultivation in the entire district;
I should say that at least 500 acres are under grain
Pavilion and the Town of
Lillooet, against about
120 acres last year. The good effects of this increase
will doubtless be largely felt next Spring.
4. I have received intelligence from
Richfield and
Winkle Carriboo District to the
2nd September—the developed
claims were paying largely
and a few more Companies had
carried down their shafts and bottomed on the lead. The
Gold Commissioner of the District writing on the
August remarks—
Since the date of my last report rich prospects have been
struck by the "Marysville and Columbia Companies" about a
mile below Cameron's Claim, thus affording satisfactory and
proof that the Gold lead exists in a continuous
line to that point. The whole of
Williams Creek as far as its
junction with
Willow river is taken up for Mining purposes
and an enormous amount of money and labour has been expended
on the lower portion which is very expensive to prospect, and
before it can be effectually
accomplished will in my opinion
require the aid of Machinery.
Lowhee Creek is also paying remarkably well, the results
are fully realizing the favourable opinions that have heretofore
been expressed relative to it.
Some very rich Specimens of Gold bearing Quartz were
brought to me a few days since from
Lowhee Creekby
by Messe
Loughlan and
mediumWood to whom I have granted discovery claims,
the latter gentleman purposes proceeding to
Victoria immediately
in order to procure machinery for working the lead.
The "Douglas Quartz" lead situated on
Snow Shoe Mountain which
was discovered in the autumn of last year, has been worked
during the summer and good propsects obtained.
I would remark that notwithstanding the Mining Laws have
given general satisfaction, many alterations and additions
may with advantage be made, whereby the interests of the Mining
community can be served and the development of the Country accelerated.
The number of men in the District I should roughly estimate
at about 4000, at least three fourths of these are employed on
Williams Creek and its tributaries.
Provisions are plentiful and continue to arrive daily in
large quantities and prices rule much the same as in my last report.
Since the new trail from
Quesnel has been
opened for traffic
the charge for packing has very materially decreased, prior to that
period, it averaged from 25 to 30 cents per lb but now it has
fallen to 12 and 15 cts shewing the immense advantage gained by
the construction of this road.
With the exception of a few drunken squabbles this district
continues in a perfect and most satisfactory state of quietude.
5. I transmit the enclosed communication from
Mr Commissioner Cox, as it contains some interesting statistics, connected with the
agriculture of the District about
Williams Lake. A number of
persons induced by the good quality of the Soil, the beauty of the
Country and the high prices of produce, are settling in that
District and have been
more fortunate with their first crops of
grain than usual in the newly cultivated lands of America where
the virgin soil, however fertile, is encumbered by weeds, and
yields to the plough a matted Sod of tough and worthless roots,
until these are destroyed either by burning or the less rapid
process of natural decay, it is evident the land cannot
yield its
strength nor produce so largely as when mellowed and in good tilth.
I take the liberty of forwarding for your Grace's inspection a few
specimens from the Upper Country of Wheat, Barley, Oats, and
Indian Corn of this years growth, which notwithstanding the disadvantages
I have just mentioned will I believe compare not unfavourably
in point
of weight and size with the cereals of any other country.
6. There is nothing of much importance connected with the
mining intelligence from
Lytton District, except a report that
some Indians and a few white Miners have found new and richer
diggings, yielding as much as forty dollars ($40) a day on the South
Branch of the
Thompson which
may have the effect of drawing the
attention of the Mining community to a part of the Colony that
I believe to be highly auriferous.
7. I have much regret in reporting that five Indians were
lately taken into custody at
Williams Lake charged with the Murder
of two Italian Miners, whose bodies were found concealed
near the
highway, and that
W. Armitage lately from Liverpool has been
arrested for the Murder of one
Thomas Clegg while the latter was
on his way from
Williams Lake with treasure—an accomplice, there
being two concerned with the Murder—has not yet been found, but
there is very little chance of his escape, as the most active
search is
being made, and a large reward is offered for his apprehension.
8. I am glad to report that the Gold Escort has made two
successful trips from
Carriboo with treasure and is again expected
down about the end of the present month.
9. The Revenue derived from Customs and Roads
Tolls up to the
31st August exhibits a return of Fifty eight thousand seven hundred
and ninety one pounds (£58791) for
1863 against Forty eight thousand
and seventy pounds (£48070) collected in
10. There being nothing further of importance to communicate.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most obedient
Humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
1. Ack
e receipt—saying that His Grace is glad
to receive such a satisfactory report on
2. Duplicate to Land Bd.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Newspaper clipping, unnamed, no date, "First Wire Suspension
Bridge in
British Columbia."
Other documents included in the file
Minutes by CO staff
(Better to avoid the word "receipt", as "received" occurs so soon
Other documents included in the file
Rogers to Emigration Commissioners,
23 November 1863,
forwarding copy of the despatch for information.
People in this document
Armitage, William
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Clegg, Thomas
Cox, William George
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Seymour, Governor Frederick
Trutch, John
Wood, C. Alexander
Young, William Alexander George
Places in this document
Bridge River
British Columbia
Cariboo Region
Chapmans Bar
Fraser River
Lowhee Creek
New Westminster
Snowshoe Mountain
Soda Creek
Thompson River
Van Winkle Flat
Williams Creek
Williams Lake
Willow River