Peel to Rogers (Permanent Under-Secretary)
Treasury Chambers
9 February 1863
I am commanded by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to acquaint you, for the information of the Duke of Newcastle, that They will not object to the Estimate of the amount of aid required from Parliament to defray the charge of British Columbia for the year 1863-4 enclosed in your letter of 21st Ultimo;
My Lords will add to the Item of Preliminary Expenses the sum of £121.15. transferred to Naval Services at His Grace's request dated 24th November last.
In agreeing to this Estimate my Lords rely on the punctual fulfilmentbyManuscript image by the Colony of it's part of the arrangement made last year, for providing for expenditure incurred in excess of the sums voted by Parliament, and for the cost of the specie, and for other services;
My Lords are anxious to hear from His Grace that the repayments, which were to be made during 1862, have been duly attended to by the Governor.
I am, Sir,
your obedient Servant
F. Peel
Minutes by CO staff
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ABd 10 Feb
Mr E. Irving will be so good as to add the sum of £121 herein stated to the proper item in the B. Columbia Estimates.
I shall be obliged to Mr Ebden to favor me with a short precis showing what were the repayments which the Governor wasManuscript image order[ed] to make in 1862, so as to enable us, in compliance with the present request, to inculcate due attention to those orders.
TFE 10 Feby
Mr Ebden has supplied the required information in the accompanying memo. A draft should now be prepared to the Governor telling him that on the Duke's recommendation, the L.C. of the Treasury have agreed to propose to Parliament this year a vote for £22.121. The enclosed copy of the estimate will put the Governor in possession of the particulars.
Acquaint him that the L.C. have agreed to this Estimate in reliance on the punctual fulfilment &c (following Treasury down to "Service").
Remind him of the particular repayments
Specify them in the draft.
which he was directed to make in the Instructions looked out by Mr Ebden, and direct him to furnish a report how far he has yet made those repayments, and state that the Duke of Newcastle expects it of him to complete them with due regularity, and in case unfortunately any of them should be in arrear, that His Grace mustManuscript image call upon him forthwith to repair the omission. Mr E. Irving will supply a copy of the Estimate. Drafts.
TFE 12 Feby
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The sums which the Governor of British Columbia was instructed to repay in the year 1862 were
For Specie £6900. 0. 0
" Assay Office 152. 3. 8
" Bishop's passage 69.13. 0
7121.16. 8 And in 1863 For Roads, Bridges
and Surveys (59-60) 10704

Vide Treas/6095 which was sent to Governor for information and guidance. Vide also despatch on Treasury/2116 in which however the Bishop's passages are omitted.
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British Columbia
Estimate of the amount of aid required to defray the charge of this Colony for the year ending the 31st of March 1864.

Pay of Royal Engineers
The whole expense of the corps being £22,000, one moiety is to be defrayed by the Colony and one by this Country. This requires a contribution of £11,000, but £3,800 is borne on Army Estimates as the fixed Regimental Pay of the Engineers, so that only £7,200 is needed on the present Estimate, in order to complete the required moiety of the whole cost.

in the Colony,
including their Commanding Officer,
for the current year 7,200

To meet drafts for pay and maintenance
of Royal Engineers in 1859 and 1860
beyond the amounts estimated 11,322

Preliminary expenses for the Colony
in 1858 and 1859, chiefly for the
Royal Engineers, not provided for in
previous estimates 3,003Manuscript image

Salary of a Magistrate and other
Civil Services in the Island of San
up to the 31st Decr/61 596

The vote last year £9000.
The Governor's salary amounting to £1800 has been struck off, and the demand for current services in British Columbia is reduced to that extent. On the other hand there is added a sum of £596 for past Civil services in San Juan and £14,825 for arrears for British Columbia.
Other documents included in the file
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Draft reply, Newcastle to Douglas, No. 13, 18 February 1863.
Minutes by CO staff
Submitted for approval. A copy should go to the Treasury, for their infn, in answer to their letter.
TFE 13/2
Other documents included in the file
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Elliot to Peel, 23 February 1863, forwarding copy of a despatch sent to the governor on the subject of aid required for the colony.
Peel, Sir Frederick to Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic 9 February 1863, CO 60:17, no. 1311, 265. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)