No. 122
18th November 1865
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your despatch No. 38 of 6th July desiring me to report upon a letter from the War Department forwarded in your despatch No. 5 of 11thMayManuscript image May 1864, respecting the disposal of the Arms and accoutrements left in this Colony by Colonel Moody on the withdrawal of the detachment of the Royal Engineers. I enclose a Report from the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works and also one from the Officer Commanding the New Westminster Rifle Volunteers. These reports will furnish all the information required by the Secretary of State for War.
2. I am happy to be abletoManuscript image to state that the New Westminster Volunteers are steadily increasing in number and are becoming a very effective Corps.
3. The Arms referred to by Captain Prichard as having been handed over to Mr Ogilvy, for the use of Mr Cox's party in the Expedition against the Chilicoten Indians are now under the charge of the Magistrate at Quesnelmouth. The central position of thatTownManuscript image Town being considered well adapted for a depot in the event of a further outbreak among the Chilicoten or other tribes of the Interior.
4. The Magistrate of the district has authority to issue these Arms to the Inhabitants in case of any emergency. I enclose the copy of a letter which will show the satisfactory manner in which the people of Quesnelmouth prepared to defend themselves againstanManuscript image an attack threatened by the Chilicoten Tribe.
5. I trust that this disposal of the Arms and accoutrements will meet with your approval, and that they will not be withdrawn from the Colony.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient
humble Servant
Arthur N. Birch
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Elliot
The Acting Govr reports in this desph the manner in wh: certain Military Stores have been disposed of, and begs that they may not be taken away. Now forward a copy of this desph to the W.O. and, adverting to their Letter of 30 Ap/64, say that Mr Cardwell wd wish the Colony to have the benefit of those rifles & accountrements, & that he proposes, to inform the Govr that they may be retained in the Colony on the usual terms. It wd be as well if the W.O. cd put a price on the ammunition & accoutrements. They must possess some rateable value.
ABd 3 Feb
TFE 3 Feby
WEF 4/2
EC 6
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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J.W. Trutch, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, to Officer Administering the Government, 14 November 1865, reporting on the disposition of the arms and accoutrements since they were handed over to the colony.
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Captain Prichard to Officer Administering the Government, 17 November 1865, reporting on the condition of the arms.
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"Return of Arms &c issued to the late Mr Ogilvy for Mr Cox's party in the Chilicoaten Expedition," signed by Prichard.
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J.B. Gaggin to Colonial Secretary, 16 February 1865, describing measures taken to ensure the security of Quesnel Mouth.
Other documents included in the file
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Elliot to Under-Secretary of State for War, 9 February 1866, forwarding copy of the despatch and enclosure and recommending that the materials be allowed to remain in the colony on the usual terms.
Birch, Arthur Nonus to Cardwell, Edward 18 November 1865, CO 60:22, no. 1193, 449. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

Last modified: 2020-03-30 13:22:16 -0700 (Mon, 30 Mar 2020) (SVN revision: 4193)