I am commanded by My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty
to acquaint you that a Letter has been received from
Admiral Denman, N
o 75, of the
3rd Ultimo, reporting
that he had sent the "
Cameleon," on the
20th May, to
New Westminster to the Governor of
British Columbia, to
afford him due support on
the occasion of a grand meeting of
the Natives from the interior, in celebration of Her Majesty's
Birthday; and that on the return of that Ship to
on the
31st May, he had despatched her immediately in
pursuit of a French Canadian, named
Antoine Lacanage,
who had murdered
Mr John D.B. Ogilvy, Deputy Collector
of Customs, while in the execution of his duty on
the Schooner "
Langley," at
Bentinck Arm.