Murdoch to Elliot (Assistant Under-Secretary)
Emigration Board
28th July 1866
I have to acknowledge your letter of
21st instant,
with a despatch from the Acting Governor of
British Columbia
enclosing an Ordinance passed by the Legislature of that Colony entitled,
An Ordinance further to define the Law regulating the
acquisition of Land in
British Columbia.
2. The Acting Governor also encloses the report of
the Attorney General on this Ordinance.
3. The object of the Ordinance is to restrict the
preemption privileges given by the Ordinance N
o 27
1865—with this view it declares that

neither Chartered
or Incorporated Companies nor Aborigines shall be entitled
to preempt Land without special written permission of the
Governor. It further provides that land preempted before
the date of the Ordinance may be included when the general
Survey comes up to it, though its boundary may not have
been laid out in strict accordance with the requirements of
the Land Ordinance of
4. I have to report that I am aware of no objection to
this Ordinance, and I would therefore recommend that it
should be left to its operation.
5. The Acting Governor and the Attorney General both
consider that a legal definition is required of the term
"occupation" used in the

Ordinance of
1865. A clause was
accordingly introduced into the present Ordinance, but was
rejected in the Council by a majority of 10 to 4. There can
be no doubt that if the term has no customary & established
signification it would be desirable to define it by Law, but
that can only be done by the Legislature, and I do not see that
the Secretary of State could interfere in the matter to any good purpose.
I have the honor to be,
Your obedient
Humble Servant
T.W.C. Murdoch
Other documents included in the file
Draft reply,
Carnarvon to Officer Administering the Government,
No. 6,
16 August 1866.