I have received your Despatch marked Separate of the
10th of
October, requesting my sanction for your drawing half of the Colonial
Secretary's salary in addition to half of the Governor's salary during
Governor Seymour's absence from the Colony.
The Colonial Regulation on this point, to which you attention has
drawn by the Treasurer, is explicit. It provides that a Civil
Officer called on temporarily to administer the Government shall receive
half of the Governor's salary, but none of his own. It is therefore
impossible for me to sanction the arrangement which you describe. On
the other hand however you will have learned since you wrote your
Despatch that the Governor's salary has been raised from £3000 to
£4,000, of which the effect will be that the half of the governor's
salary alone will give you a larger income by £100 per annum than you
were drawing in the shape of half of the Governor's former salary, added
to half of your own.
In order to conform to the Colonial Regulations, your proper course
will be to refund any amount which you have drawn as part of the
Colonial Secretary's salary, but on the other hand you will be entitled
to draw from the time you assumed the Government a moiety of the
increase of £1000 per annum which has been made to the salary of the
Governor. The Ordinance on that subject provides that the increase
shall take effect from the passing of the Ordinance which occurred on
11th ofApril
April last.