No. 5
I have had the honor to receive your Despatch No. 115 of the
of October on the subject of
Mr. Waddington's Petition relative to the
Bute Inlet Road. I have also consulted
Mr. Seymour in this Country, and
I enclose, for your information, a copy of his communication.
I cannot assent to making to
Mr. Waddington the grants of land for
which he has applied.
It is very desirable however to afford all reasonable encouragement
to the formation of useful roads, and I shall be very willing to
sanction a moderate extension of the duration of
Mr. Waddington's
Charter, if, in consultation with your Executive Council you are
prepared to adopt that measure.
I enclose a copy of a letter to
Mr. Waddington's
Attorney in this
Country, appraising him of these views.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient
humble servant
Edward Cardwell
The Officer Administering the Government
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
16 January 1866, advising that
Cardwell will "leave it to the discretion of the Officer Administering the Government to grant...
some extension of the duration of the Charter in pursuance of the request made by
Mr Waddington" for financing of his
Bute Inlet road.