No. 9
15th October 1869
My Lord,
I have the honor to report my return to Victoria yesterday from
the tour on the Mainland of the Colony which I acquainted you in
my Despatch No 7 of 3rd September it was my intention to make.
3. I was received everywhere with demonstrations of cordial
loyalty to
the Queen, and of personal deference and
consideration to myself as Her Majesty's Representative.
4. The
4. The impressions which I derived from my tour were more
favorable as regards the present condition and future prospects
of the Colony than I had been led to anticipate. The spirit of
excitement and speculation which pervaded the Community a few
years ago has subsided, and with it has departed a large portion
of the unsettled population which always flows into new gold
Countries. A diminution in the supplies required by them and
furnished by the forwarding traders has been regarded as a
depression of trade. But in fact the Community should be
regarded as much better without the scum of the population which
has floated off. Those who have remained to settle steadily to
occupation are almost without exception prosperous.
Business Business of
all kinds is being built upon more stable foundations than
hitherto, and I think that indications may be plainly seen of
the growth of increasing progress.
5. Mining operations are being conducted at
Cariboo with steady
industry and scientific appliances. New works are giving fair
promise; and there is reason to think that the yield of gold in
that neighbourhood is far
from from exhausted; although the
prodigious returns are no longer obtained which were at first
afforded by
William's Creek, said to have been probably the
richest spot known in any gold-fields.
6. Agriculture is obviously attracting more attention than at
first, and is being prosecuted to a greater extent with much
success. There is scarcely a limit to the productiveness of
the soil
in in a large section of the Country, if only the supply
of water is sufficient, which can be, and is in many cases
obtained by irrigation. And it is notable that I did not meet
with a single instance among the many people with whom I
conversed, where disappointment was expressed at the results of
cultivation which had been undertaken; while the applications for
land are more numerous; and even
the the cases of disputed claims
which have been brought under my notice indicate the value which
is attached to its possession.
7. Stock farming is growing in importance, and no finer Cattle
or Sheep are to be found in any neighbouring Country than those
which the climate and pasturage of this Colony can produce.
Your Lordship will observe the significance
of of the fact that
attention is now being directed to obtaining a market for
produce which is raised among ourselves, instead of all our
supplies being drawn from abroad. Probably next year there will
be little or no beef imported in
Victoria. The Upper Country of
the Mainland being already supplied as cheaply with meat and
Breadstuffs as any other portion of the Colony.
8. Your
8. Your Lordship will remark frequent favorable references in
the Addresses which I received, to the proposed Union of the
Colony with the Dominion of Canada. It will shortly be my duty
to report fully on this subject in my reply to Your Lordship's
Despatch N
o 84 of the
14th August. But it is right now to
remark that the expressions contained in the Addresses cannot be
taken as representing the unanimous opinions even of the white
population residing on the Mainland; and still less as embodying
the public sentiment of
Vancouver Island which contains more
than half of the total number of the united Colony.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord,
Your most obedient
humble Servant
A. Musgrave
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
Governor Musgrave reports the result of his six weeks visit to
the Mainland. He gives a hopeful account of the Colony—that is
of the parts which he visited, & was everywhere very well
And you will see that he took occasion to put forward
prominently the question of Confederation. But the feeling of
the United Colony has yet to be tested.
Mr Monsell
e with expression of interest. We have perhaps said
enough for the present about Confederation.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Other documents included in the file