Romaine to Rogers (Permanent Under-Secretary)
2nd March 1869
With reference to my letter of the 22nd Septr 1868, on the subject of the proposal to confer the local Rank of Lieutenant Colonel on Captain Delacombe, the Officer in command of the Marines at VanCouver—in order to put him on the same footing as the Officer in command of the American Military Force stationed there, I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the AdmiraltytoManuscript image to send you, for the information of Lord Granville a copy of a letter which they have received from Rear Admiral Hastings the Commander in Chief on the Station, stating that he does not consider the promotion of Captain Delacombe at all necessary; and I am to acquaint you that, under the circumstances, their Lordships are disposed to concur in that opinion.
I am,
Your obedient Servant
W.G. Romaine
Minutes by CO staff
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Sir F. Rogers
Brevet Rank of Lt Colonel to Officer in Command of the Queens Troops on San Juan.
The question arose from an enquiry from the F.O. (9064) whether any objection should be taken to the American officer being retained there on his promotion from Captain to Major. To this no objection could be raised, & in so informing theManuscript image Admiralty the D. of Buckingham left it to them to say whether our Officer should also be promoted. The Govr having forwarded an application from our Officer for promotion his Grace informed the Admy that in his opinion it was deserving of consideration. In this view—that is in favor of the promotion—the Admy concurred considering it desirable & they therefore informed Admiral Hastings that Captain Delacombe was to be promoted provided itManuscript image appeared to him that it wd be conducive to the good of the public Service.
Such is the history of the promotion of our Officer.
The subsequent despatches from the Govr 102, 834 (2), 537 (1)—do not touch the question—834 is the acknt.
Admiral Hastings says the promotion is unnecessary & I conclude has not given it to Captain Delacombe.
It appears to be aManuscript image matter of very little consequence & one that really neither the Govr nor this office have any concern—& perhaps we have already interfered more than we ought.
And I therefore think it will be best to send a copy of this to the F.O. with request to be informed what answer Lord Clarendon would recommend should be returnedManuscript image to the Admiralty.
CC 4/3
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So proceed.
FR 4/3
WM 5/3
G 8/3
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See subsequent Gov. 119-10651 Aug 25, 1870.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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Rear Admiral G.F. Hastings to Secretary of the Admiralty, 7 January 1869, stating opinion that promotion of Captain Delacombe is unnecessary and undesirable.
Other documents included in the file
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Rogers to Under-Secretary of State, Foreign Office, 10 March 1869, forwarding copy of Admiralty letter and asking what answer should be returned.
Romaine, William Govett to Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic 2 March 1869, CO 60:37, no. 2488, 25. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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