2. To-day I transmitted by telegraph my reply as follows:
Phillippo would accept, if without prejudice to eventual
Canadian Pension on failure of health. But cannot move till
June on account Wife's serious illness.
Mr Phillippo has explained to me that he has no wish to
entail upon the Canadian Government the payment of his Pension
if he can obtain employment, and would therefore willingly
accept the appointment offered by Your Lordship. But his health
suffered seriously from the Climate of
Sierra Leone and he fears
the possibility of a
like like effect in
British Guiana. If,
however, he might in that event have recourse to the Pension to
which with other Officials he is entitled by the terms of Union
with the Dominion, he would take the risk in the hope that he
may not be compelled to retire. But on the other hand should he
be obliged on accepting the
Judgeship Judgeship to forego all prospective
claim on Canada for a retiring allowance, he would think it most
prudent to take the Pension, and the chances of employment in
his profession here, or elsewhere. The Canadian Government will
not be placed in a more disadvantageous position by allowing
Phillippo's claim to be complete though in abeyance, and
probably Your Lordship will find no difficulty in so arranging
the matter.
4. The recent serious illness of
Mr Phillippo's Wife will
prevent her from travelling for some Weeks; and he could not
with propriety leave her in her
present present state of health. But, I
shall be glad if some little delay may be afforded on public
grounds also, as it would in many respects be disadvantageous to
the local government to lose the benefit of
Mr Phillippo's
services as Crown Law Officer before the completion of the Union
of this Colony with Canada.