VANCOUVER'S ISLAND, the possession of which was settled in Great
Britain by the last treaty with the United States, lies on the west coast of North America, between north lat.
48°. and 51°. and west long.
123°. and 128°.; and is about 250 miles in length, and 50 in breadth.
The straits which separate it from the main land are little more than a mile wide
at the north end of
the Island, and about 25 miles at
the south, where they are called the
Straits of Juan de Fuca.
The general character of the country is hilly, in parts mountainous, and richly wooded;
but there is fertile plain land in many places. The trees are of various descriptions,
in great abundance, and
of very large growth.
The temperature is nearly the same as that of England: the climate
is mild and salubrious, and peculiarly adapted to European
constitutions. British plants, fruits and vegetables of all
descriptions thrive, as well as sheep and cattle.
The Island abounds with game, and the neighbouring waters with various kinds of fish.
The Hudson's Bay Company occupy a small fort (
Victoria) on the south side of
the Island, where they have successfully brought a tract of land into cultivation.
The geographical situation of
the Island renders it peculiarly suitable for a colony. It possesses on all sides a multitude
magnificent harbours; and there is no port of any description,
southward of those in
the Island, and those within the
Straits of Juan de Fuca, nearer than
San Francisco in California, more than 700 miles
distant: it seems, then, to follow, that all the trade which shall ever
pass into the north-west coast of America must fall into the hands of
those who occupy the country adjacent to these Straits, of which
Vancouver's Island forms the north shore. The south shore belongs to the United States, and abounds
also with harbours; but it is likely
that the people who first obtain will continue to enjoy the
pre-eminence in commercial enterprize.
According to the best accounts, there are not more than 5000 native
inhabitants of the whole Island, and their numbers are said to be rapidly decreasing. They have been for the most
part on very good
terms with the English with whom they have come in contact.
There is a great abundance of coal at the north end of
the Island, and copper also is to be procured in the vicinity. Satisfactory evidence can be
given that this coal is well adapted for burning in steam vessels.
It is, therefore, proposed to form a Company, for the purpose of
working this coal, and at the same time of founding a general Colony in
the Island.
The present moment is one which is more favorable than any other
to the success of such an undertaking. The Government of the United
States of America have entered into a contract with a commercial house
New York, by which the latter undertake to convey the mails between
the Columbia river, and the intermediate ports, in steam vessels: this contract is to last for ten
There are three steamers now building at
New York, of a thousand
tons each, for this purpose, and they are to be ready at the end of the
present year.
This Company have proposed to enter into a contract for the supply
of coal from England, necessary to enable them to fulfil their contract
with the American Government.
It is obvious that the requisite quantity could be supplied at
Columbia river, and at
Panama, at a very much lower rate from
Vancouver's Island than from England, even supposing the expense of procuring the coal to be the same
in both places; but in
Vancouver's Island the coal lies in large quantities on the surface, and is close
to the sea, in a most convenient place for shipment.
Besides the above supply, which it is calculated would amount to
from 15,000 to 20,000 tons annually, the Steam Pacific Navigation
Company, whose vessels run from
Valparaiso to
Panama, are in want of
a supply of coal at the latter port.
It is probable that if these coal mines were worked, there would
be a demand before long for above 30,000 tons annually in the Pacific Ocean.
A communication has been made to the Colonial Office, with a view
to ascertain the terms upon which Her Majesty's Government would grant
the right of working the coal in
Vancouver's Island; and it is hoped, that, in the event of a Company being formed capable of carrying
objects into effect, every assistance will be afforded both by the
Government and by the Hudson's Bay Company.
Since the working of the coal, on such an extensive scale as is
here proposed, will involve the conveyance of a considerable number of
persons to
the Island, it is obvious that a sufficient population must also be provided, to secure the
production of food for the whole
Hence it will be the object of the Company to obtain from Her
Majesty, in the earliest stage of its operations, a charter of
It will also be the interest of the Company, that some sound scheme
of general colonization should be adopted, by which labour may be
continually supplied.
It is contemplated to call a meeting, in a short time, of all
those who are likely to take an interest in the scheme, for the purpose
of taking the preliminary steps for the formation of the Company, and
the arrangement of the necessary details. At this meeting, of which
due notice will be given, your presence and assistance is particularly
requested. In the mean time all communications on the subject of this
paper may be addressed to