386 N. America
British Museum
Feb. 21. 1848.
Dear Sir,
Referring to the letter I had the honor to addressing to you, dated
14th inst;, respecting the formation of a Colony in
Vancouvers Island, I beg leave now to enclose a paper, which has been printed for private Circulation.
I have to request that you will be so kind as to take the Earliest
opportunity of bringing
both this, and my former letter, under the
notice of
Earl Grey.
It is obviously of greatest importance to know the intentions of
Her Majesty's
Govt, at the present moment; whether they are

about to
give the right of working the Coal to the Hudsons Bay Company, or
whether they are prepared to listen to the proposals of any other
Company formed for the purpose Specified in the Enclosed Circular; and
if so upon what terms the grant will be made, or lastly whether it be
contemplated to keep the mines in the property of the Crown.
Without having some information on these points, there is no means

of ascertaining whether it be worth while to proceed with the formation
of a Company or not.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Hawes
The draft of our answer to
Mr Fitzgerald's first letter was with me when this arrived, and I have added a few lines of information
which it
seemed to me
[...] might fairly be given by way of answer to this second letter without going beyond
the necessary reserve: I therefore send on
the draft with this minute calling your attention to the proposed addition
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
For private circulation: "A Proposal to Form a Company for the Purpose of Working
the Coal,
and Establishing a Colony in
Vancouver's Island." Printed report signed by
John Shillinglaw, 23 Dean Street, Soho, no date.