I have received and laid before my Lords Commissioners of
the Admiralty your letter of the
27th of last month
transmitting a despatch from the Governor of
VanCouver's Island
detailing the particulars of an excursion, undertaken by him in
last, from
Fort Victoria thro' the "
Canal de Arro" to
Wentuhuysen Inlet
where coal has been discovered,—and calling their Lordships attention
to the recommendations of
Governor Douglas that an Exploration and
Survey of the Eastern coast of
the Island should be undertaken by the
Government,—And I am commanded to request that you will state to
Sir John Pakington that previously to any detailed examination
of the
Arro Archipelago and the adjacent coast being made, it would be
desirable that the
Governor should encourage some fit persons to make
themselves acquainted with the pilotage of the principal channels and
Ports of the district, with the view of inducing vessels to proceed
there for the coals or other produce. And if it should be found that
the navigation is practicable for large Vessels, the coal-working
profitable, and the embarkation easy, it will doubtless be eventually
desirable for the Government to undertake an adequate Survey of it's
harbours and approaches.