I presume that any such survey must be accomplished by the means
either of Officers of the Royal Engineers, or of competent professional
Surveyors deputed expressly by the Government. If the former are
employed the service will be

executed very slowly, but very
scientifically, and effectually. The Officers would require a Staff of
es—& instruments which would make the work an expensive affair.
On the other hand the employment of experienced Land Surveyors, of
whom there are now so many seeking opportunities of getting something to
do, would be a cheaper plan, and I should think quite as effectual as,
for the present purpose at all events, is wanted. The points to be
ascertained, are the configuration of the Country, the course of the
rivers, the quality of Soils, the climate, in short all

those general
pieces of information which an Emigrant would seek to know before
settling himself in a strange Country. These points any active,
enterprizing Surveyor could ascertain in a short time, & probably at no
great Expense—but it is material also to bear in mind that he must be
accompanied by an armed force, for the service will be one of danger
owing to the fierceness of the natives, and the conflicts which may be
expected with the encroaching marauders from California. This force
might possibly

be spared by the Vessel of War ordered off
the Island. &
might consist of a few Marines, & a certain number of sailors.
Supposing any such Surveyor were to be employed I think it would be best
to engage him in this Country, as the terms of this engagement c
d be
more conveniently settled here, & he c
d be apprized of the views of
Govt on the subject, better than if
Lord Elgin were desired to select
one in Canada & send him across the
Rocky mountains—which route though
practicable is not a facile or quick mode of reaching the Pacific.
Sir John Pelly might be able to help us with

some ideas on the
subject, & indeed recommend a good man for the undertaking. Parliament
would ultimately have to provide for the expense—though the Treasury
might in the meanwhile be required to advance the necessary funds for
the enterprize.
As regards the value of the gold discoveries—on wh
h a surveyor
could not be expected to give accurate information—I have little doubt
that the British Consul at
San Francisco could find a person there

qualified to give an opinion. He of course would have to be paid for
his services.
It certainly seems important that the Government
shd know what
Queen Charlotte Island is really of value to Great Britain for—whether
it is a pasture, or a mineral Country, or a corn growing Land, which
last I should doubt it's being, because this Country may be despatching
Ships, & giving itself trouble and entering into expenses about a
possession of insignificant value. On

the other hand it may be said
"settle first, and survey afterwards." That I conceive, however, to be
a doctrine which has entailed so much inconvenience in other quarters of
the B. Dominions that I hardly think it necessary to pursue the point:
& I have no hesitation in expressing as my own opinion that a survey of
a rough though efficient nature should precede any settlement whatever.