No. 10, Executive
24th November 1853
My Lord Duke
In a Despatch to Secretary
Sir John S Packington [Pakington] dated
9th December last, I had the honor of submitting for the
information of Her Majesty's Government that certain American citizens,
had set up a claim to the
Islands on the Canal de Arro, on behalf of the
United States, and that it was my intention to assert the sovereignty of
Her Majesty
the Queen to all
the Islands of the Arro Archipelago, lying
to the westward of
Strawberry Bay (
Cypress Island), as named by
Vancouver," situated in "
Vancouver Strait," the usual ship channel from
Straits of Juan de Fucainto
into the
Gulf of Georgia, which has always
been considered the boundary between the possessions of Great Britain,
and the Territories of the United States.
2. Having received no reply to that, or any of my subsequent
communications to Her Majesty's Government, in consequence I suppose of
the non arrival of the ship "
Colinda," bound to this port, by which the
Secretary of the Hudson's Bay Company, in a letter transmitted by the
way of
Panama informs me that five packets from the Colonial office had
been forwarded.
This Vessel did not sail until 4 Augt/53. It carried out all
Despatches up to that date. Since the 14 Octr we have sent all Desp
through the P Office.
I nevertheless beg to apprize your Grace that I have acted in
accordance with the views above expressed; and have succeeded in
defeating every attempt made to pre-occupy the
Arro Islands, through the
agency of American squatters, so that those Islands still remain a de
facto dependency of
Vancouvers Island, unoccupied by any settlement of
whites, except a fishing station, which was established some years ago
by the Hudson's Bay Company, on the
Island of San Juan.
3. If I may take the liberty of referring your Grace to
Arrowsmiths improved map of
Vancouver's Island, you will observe that
the three principal Islands of the
Arro Archipelago, "
San Juan,"
Lopez," and "
Orcas," are of considerable extent, and I may add from my
own knowledge that they are exceedingly valuable, not only on account of
their relative position to
Vancouver's Island, but also from the fact
that their shores and Inlets, abound with Salmon and other fish, which
form a productive export, and inexhaustible source of wealth.
They contain a great extent of arable land, are capable of
supporting a large population, and form an appendage of incalculable
importance to this Colony.
4. In reference to their geological structure the most southerly
Islands of the Archipelago, are chiefly composed of Trap or Greenstone
but sandstone and other strata, similar in character to those found in
the Coal District of
Nanaimo, mark the more northerly Islands as
to the same geological series.
Some fine specimens of serpentine and auriferous quartz have also
been found there.
5. According to the intention expressed in my said Despatch to
John S Packington of the
9th December last, I shall proceed to lay
before your Grace the grounds which led me to assume without positive
instructions on that head, that the
Islands of the Archipelago de Arro,
did of right belong to Her Majesty
the Queen.
I was led to take that view of the question by a fair construction
of the Oregon Treaty which defines the territorial limits of the
contracting Powers on this coast; the common opinion of the day; and the
maps published in both countries exhibiting the boundary line in the
middle of "
Vancouver Strait," the only direct channel which connects the
Gulf of Georgia with the
Straits of Juan De Fuca.
6. The first article of that Treaty, declares that the line
of boundary
shall be continued westward along the said forty ninth parallel of north
latitude to the middle of the Channel, which separates the continent
Vancouver's Island and thence
southerly through the middle of
said channel, and
Fuca Straits to the Pacific Ocean, provided however,
that the navigation of the
whole of the said channel and
Straits, south of the forty ninth parallel of latitude remain free and
open to both parties.
The letter of the Treaty clearly implies the existence of a
navigable channel, extending from the point in the
Gulf of Georgia,
where the westerly line ceases, to the
Straits of Juan De Fuca, and also
declares that the said channel runs in a southerly direction.
8. On that head I wish to observe that "
Vancouver's" Chart, to
which I beg to refer your Grace, shews that no navigable channel,
leading from the
Straits of Juan De fuca, into the
Gulf of Georgia, was
known to exist when the Treaty was made, neither had any channel, which
can be safely navigated by sailing ships, been
discovered, even to this
day, except "
Vancouver Straits," which up to this hour, is the route
invariably taken by sailing ships, bound to and from the
Gulf of
9. The Treaty also declares that the boundary line shall run,
"thence," (i.e. from the middle of the
Gulf of Georgia),"
southerly, through the said channel." The chart will here again
shew that none of the passages, in the
Arro Archipelago, run continuously
in a southerly direction, and that no other outlet, from the
Gulf of
Georgia, answers the description given of the channel, through which the
boundary line, was to be carried, except "
Vancouver Strait."
10. The Treaty moreover provides,
that the navigation of the whole of the said channel and
(of De Fuca), south of the forty ninth parallel of latitude remain free
and open to both parties.
I would observe in respect to that article that there could be no
object for leaving the navigation, of the "whole" of the
Straits of Juan
De Fuca, as far east as
Whitby Island and
Deception passage, free and
open to British Vessels, unless it was intended, that "
Strait," should be the boundary Channel, and I cannot suppose that any
other consideration would have induced the American Plenipotentiary, so
tenacious on all other points affecting the interests of his country, to
make in that instance an important concession in favour of British
commerce, a concession affecting the navigation laws of the United
States; by throwing open a large extent of the American coast to British
Vessels; without any real or apparent necessity, arising from the nature
of the navigation, and without securing thereby, any reciprocal
advantage for his own country.
11. In respect to the evidence derivable from public opinion, we
who have lived almost on the spot, have ever believed that
Vancouvers Strait, is the sure line of boundary, between the two countries, and as
a proof that we are not alone in that opinion, I herewith transmit a Map
of the
Arro Archipelago, being a section faithfully copied from a
Map of Oregon and Upper California, from the surveys of
Charles Fremont, and other authorities, drawn by
Charles Preuss,
under the
order of the
Senate of the
United States
Washington City 1848
on which the boundary line is carefully traced, exactly as your Grace
will observe on the section, through the middle of "
Vancouver Strait"
into the
Gulf of Georgia. The original map is now in my possession and
may be consulted if necessary.
12. "
Vancouver Strait" is thus shewn to be the only channel,
answering to the description given of the boundary channel, in the
Treaty—being a navigable channel—running southerly—and from its
position requiring for the safety and convenience of the vessels
frequenting it, the free navigation of the whole of the
Straits of Juan De Fuca, and the description is applicable to no other channel in that
The Map published at Washington City in
1848, under the orders of
the Senate also shews that "
Vancouver Strait," was supposed to be the
boundary channel, by the highest authority in the United States.
13. The question of right appearing thus clearly in favour of the
claims of Great Britain, I conceived it my positive duty to assert them,
and I was also influenced in coming to that decision, by another
pressing consideration that "
Vancouver Strait," is the present navigable
outlet from the
Gulf of Georgia, and without it, that noble inland sea,
bounded on every side by the Territories of Great Britain, would be in a
measure, sealed to British commerce.
14. I also have the honor of transmitting herewith a section
embracing the Territory herein described, of "
Vancouvers chart," of the
north west coast of America, shewing the route
taken by the vessels
under his command, into the
Gulf of Georgia, which will further
illustrate the hints I have herein taken the liberty of submitting for
your Grace's consideration.
His Grace the Right
Honble The
Duke of Newcastle
Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State
For the Colonial Department
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
This is the further report promised by
Govr Douglas in 3851. At the
date of this despatch he had not received the
Duke of Newcastle's Desp:
N 12 of the
22 Octr. Send to the F.O. with reference to previous
Mr Peel
This is a very clear statement of the Governor's of our assumed right,
it is however controverted by the Americans on the ground of the words
"middle of the channel" which they interpret to be midway between
Vancouver's Island & the continent, & which so understood would give them
part of the
Arro islands—their own map is however a valuable piece
of evidence against them. Foreign Office?
Mr Crampton's despatch of
Jan. 13.1848 in the annexed
boundary papers, it would seem as if
Mr Buchanan was at that time
much disposed to acquiesce in the view here defended by the Governor,
viz. that the "middle of the channel" meant, not midway between island &
continent, but the middle of the chief navigable channel wherever that
might be found to exist.
Foreign Office.
Other documents included in the file
Draft, Colonial Office to
H.U. Addington, Foreign Office, forwarding
copy of the despatch.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
People in this document
Addington, Henry Unwin
Arrowsmith, John
Buchanan, James
Crampton, John Fiennes Twisleton
Douglas, Sir James
Fremont, John Charles
Jadis, Vane
Merivale, Herman
Pakington, Captain John Somerset
Peel, Sir Frederick
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Preuss, Charles
Vancouver, Captain George
Victoria, Queen Alexandrina
Vessels in this document
Places in this document
Cypress Island
Deception Pass
Gulf Islands
Juan de Fuca Strait
Lopez Island
Orcas Island
Rosario Strait
San Juan Island
San Juan Islands
Strait of Georgia
Strawberry Bay
Vancouver Island
Whidbey Island