The minutes ask that extracts of Moresby’s letter be sent to the HBC.
The six documents included in the file discuss proceedings at QCI, in light of the capture of the Susan Sturges, and include perspectives on the incident from Prevost, Moresby, Douglas, and Rooney.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
1. Moresby to Secretary of the Admiralty, 4 August 1853,
forwarding copy of letter from Prevost, with enclosures.
1.1 Prevost to Moresby, 7 June 1853, enclosing a copy of Prevost to
Douglas, 29 May 1853, and reporting his intention to return to the Queen
Charlottes, in the absence of further instructions from Moresby, to
bring to justice the “Queen Charlotte Indians” responsible for the capture of the
Susan Sturges.
1.3 Moresby to Prevost, 29 March 1853, directing him to communicate
with Douglas and to take decisive measures to prevent recurrences
of "Piracies of the Native Indians."