With reference to your letter of the
24th Ultimo stating that
the subject of providing for the services of a Clergyman in
Vancouver's Island was under the consideration of the Colonial
Department, I am directed to acquaint you, for the information
Sir George Grey, that the Hudson's Bay Company will despatch a
vessel for that Island about the
10th of next month.
As it will probably be ten or twelve months before another
vessel is sent to the same quarter, and the Colony is suffering
great inconvenience from the entire suspension
of all spiritual
offices the Governor and Committee are deeply impressed with the
importance of embracing if possible the present opportunity to
send out a gentleman in holy orders, to the
Victoria District,
but they cannot take any steps in the matter until they know the
decision of
Sir George Grey on the proposal submitted to him in
the Governor's letter of the
18th Ultimo; they therefore
respectfully request that
Sir George Grey's views on the subject
may be communicated to them with as little delay as possible.