No. 6
Downing Street
28th February 1856
In connexion with my despatch of this day's date, respecting the
calling to-gether of a General Assembly, I wish to call your attention to
the present state of affairs between Her Majesty's Government and the
Hudson's Bay Company with reference to
Vancouver's Island.
2. The grant of the Land
the Island to the Company is subject
to the condition that the Crown may repurchase and take it from the
Company at the expiration of the Company's License for trading with the
Indians (that is to say in
1859) on payment to the Company of
"the sums heretofore laid out and expended by the Company in and
upon the said Island and premises, and the value of their Establishments
property and effects then being therein."
3. In order that both the Company and Her Majesty's Government may
be prepared for the contingency of this final settlement, I wish
to be
furnished with a specification of the present state of the account: that
is to say, of the sums hitherto expended by the Company in the manner
described in the Grant, and also of the sums realized by the Company by
the sale of Land and applied from time to time "towards the Colonization
and improvement of
the Island." This account should be separate from
the biennial "Return" to be made as farther specified by the Grant, of
the Colonists settled and land disposed of. And having been once
furnished, it should be continued for each
ensuing year.
4. I have communicated the contents of both these despatches to
the Hudson's Bay Company.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obedient humble Servant
H. Labouchere