With reference to my Despatch of this day's date, directing you to
call together an Assembly, I wish to state to you that the only cause
for hesitation which I have felt in giving these directions has arisen
from the reports which have reached me from the Hudson's Bay Company and
from various quarters of the disturbed state of the relations between
Indian and American Settlers in
Oregon and the North West generally, and
the commencement of hostilities in the vicinity of the British Territory
of a very serious character.
2. It is essential under such circumstances that no political
measure should be taken calculated to endanger the peace of the
community of
Vancouver's Island. I cannot however anticipate any
objection on this score to the summoning of the Assembly.

But if, when
met, it should appear to you hazardous to continue its deliberations,
you have the authority of H.M's
Govt to prorogue it whenever you may
deem expedient, and to conduct the Executive business of the Colony as
heretofore with the advice of your Council, leaving legislation for
future opportunities.