Elliott to Colonial Office
22 Arundel Street Strand,
7th August 1858
I take the liberty of informing you that I am just returned from
Vancouvers Island, having been Invalided from HM Surveying Ship
Plumper, which Vessel is engaged in the Survey of the disputed
boundary question between this Country and the United States.
Having been at
Vancouvers Island in
1846 and
48 and again in
1857 and
58 I think I may venture

to say that I could furnish
you with any information as to capabilities of
the Island and
progress of Agriculture under the direction of the Pugets Sound
Company that you may desire.
My stay in
London will only be for a week and should you be
pleased to require information, I shall be happy either to
furnish in writing or wait on you at any time that you may appoint.
I beg also to add that I have visited and walked over the
Island of San Juan, at which place the Americans have
a Custom House officer, and the Pugets Sound Company
a good Farm.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your very obed
t Serv
W. Elliott
Minutes by CO staff
Annex dt of letter so telling him?
Other documents included in the file
Clarendon to
17 August 1858, asking that his
observations and information be forwarded in writing.