Acton Green, Turnham Green
London W
Aug 14, 1858.
When I caused my letter enclosing an introduction from
Lord Salisbury to be delivered in Park Lane I was not aware that you had left town. Having since
been informed that the letter in question has been forwarded to you I now venture
to presume upon making my application in writing.
My hope is that you may be able to place in some situation under government in
British Columbia my son in law
Mr Henry Crease, concerning whom you will find a statement in a separate memorandum enclosed herewith.
Much as I desire to receive such a mark of favour at your hands I should not make
the request did I not entertain the most confident belief that such an appointment

be conducive to the public service,
Mr Crease's qualifications being, as I believe peculiarly valuable in a Colony like
British Columbia—a strong constitution, a robust frame, a resolute temper, a practical knowledge of
Indian life and of the difficulty to be encountered in the N. American bush, and skill
in the control of large bodies of miners, being united in his person to the manners
and education of a gentleman and the professional knowledge of a member of the English
Mr Crease is now at Toronto where he has transmitted three letters which I take the liberty
of enclosing because they shew the opinion entertained of him by his friends in Canada.
One of these letters is from
Mr VanKoughnet lately Minister of Agriculture, a second is from
Judge Haggarty, and a third from the clergyman at Toronto.
Permit me to add that altho' married yet as his wife and children are in this country
under my care, he would be perfectly unencumbered in his action; that his object is
not merely to obtain employment but eventually to settle with his family in the Colony;
and that he wd be ready to accept any appointment for which he is qualified and which is not unbecoming
a gentleman.
For myself, as a man not wholly unknown in science and whose services have been freely
placed at the command of government upon occasions of considerable importance, I shd hope that this application will be regarded by you as one to which you may properly
extend your favourable consideration.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your Most Obed
t serv
John Lindley
Minutes by CO staff
Put by.
Documents enclosed with the main document (transcribed)

Unsigned testimonial, [in Lindley's hand] n.d., reprinted below
r Henry Pering Pellew Crease BA of Clare Hall, aged 35, the son of
Captn Henry Crease RN, was called to the bar by the Middle Temple in or before the year
1849. One of his brothers is a Capt
n with the Royal Engineers, now in India with
Sir Hugh Roses Column; a second is a Lieutenant in the Royal Marine Artillery stationed at Canton
under the command of
Col. Holloway; a third has lately
recd a commission in the 2nd Reg
t of the line.
Immediately after being called to the bar
Mr Crease visited Canada, where he remained between two and three years, in the course of which
time he joined a surveying or exploring expedition on
Lake Superior, and made himself familiar with the difficulty

of such operations. His return was distinquished by his winning with three companions
a boat race of a hundred miles on
Lake Superior against a crew of picked Indians. In
1851 he revisited England, and practised with some success as a conveyancer; but afterwards
quitted the law to take the management of the Great Whealvor [?] United Mine near
Helston, the largest tin mine in the world, upon which above £300000 have been expended.
The commercial distress of last autumn unfortunately affected this property so disastrously
that it became necessary for
Mr Crease to relinquish the undertaking, and he is now in Toronto where he had hoped to obtain
employment under the Canadian Government.
In 1853 he married the eldest daughter of Prof Lindley by whom he has three girls,
the youngest 8 months old.
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Crease, Henry
Crease, Sir Henry Pering Pellew
Elphinstone-Holloway, Colonel William Cuthbert
Gascoyne-Cecil, Lord Salisbury Robert
Hagarty, Judge John Hawkins
Lindley, Doctor John
Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer
Roses, Sir Hugh
VanKoughnet, Philip Michael Matthew Scott
Places in this document
British Columbia
Lake Superior