I take the liberty of forwarding to you an application, for an
appointment in
Vancouver's Island, which I have been requested to
transmit to you by
Dr Kennedy of Kingston Canada West.
I am sensible how little claim I can have to your attention in
Dr Kennedy's application. The only consideration which
could justify my presuming to address you on the subject, is the hope,
that as the interest of the important Colony which it has been
reserved for you to call into political Existence I shall not be
considered as taking an undue liberty in respectfully suggesting the
desirability of conciliating the large & influential section of the
population, represented by
Dr Kennedy, by throwing open to them, in
common with other classes of Her Majesty's subjects, a career
a careera career of
usefulness in the public service & thereby identifying their
interests with the progress & good government of the country to which
they belong.
It is a misfortune for the natives of the Hudsons Bay
Territories, that, having no access to the source [of] patronage,
they are deprived of the advantage, which, satisfied of their
fitness, Her Majesty's Government would, no doubt, willingly concede
to them, of a fair share in the distribution of public offices under
the Instructions which it will be their privilege to recieve
at your hands—which they cannot but feel they have fairly earned by
their own persevering efforts & by their intelligence & public
spirit, legitimately & constitutionally exercised, in drawing public
attention to the subject, both in England and in Canada.
I am persuaded that many complications, which may possibly,
hereafter arise, between the white settler and the Indians may be
avoided by adopting, from the outset a generous & conciliatory policy
towards the mixed race, who are at this moment, by their number,
their education and property in the country, the
most important
element of the population of the
Hudson's Bay Territories, & whose
influence, whether for good or for evil, on the Indian race with whom
they are so closely connected must necessarily be very great.
Kennedy is one of the most favourable specimens of his class with
whom I am acquainted. He has been established for some years in
respectable practice as a Physician in Bath, near Kingston in Canada,
& is Associate Coroner & a Member of the Board of Public Instruction
of the Country in which he resides. I believe him to be well
qualified, to discharge efficiently the duties of the appointment for
which he is a candidate.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
I should think that
Dr Kennedy would be a useful Member of Society
in a new settlement inasmuch as medical skill when it can be combined
in a public Officer is always valuable in localities difficult of
access. But I really know of no opening at present for
Dr Kennedy.
The recommendation is also a doubtful one.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Other documents included in the file
Carnarvon to
2 March 1859, advising that "the few appointments which it is at present intended to create in
British Columbia have already been filled up."