Duke of Newcastle
The sale from time to time of portions of their Reserves, and
retention of the purchase money by the H.B.Co. proves at all
events that this claim of private property in the Reserves is not an
after-thought, but was believed in by the Co. during the period of
the Grant, and, I suppose, not disputed by the authorities.
I confess—altho' I differ with great hesitation from
Mr Merivale &
yourself—that I am disposed to think that the Co are right in this
matter—that the Lands referred to in
Sir J. Pelly's letter of
4. 1852, and
Lord Grey's answer of
Feb. 13. must be now treated upon
the same

footing as Lands bought by the Co. subsequently to the Grant
of the Island—with the condition laid down by
Lord Grey as to the
actual occupation & use.
If we maintain the contrary, observe the result. There will be three
classes of Land in the Island—1. The ordinary land, settled or
unsettled (the latter reverting to the Crown). 2. The Land bought
by the H.B.Co. wh. remains their private property. 3. The land now
in discussion, wh. if
not their private property, must revert to the Crown, upon
payment of the value of all improvements, stock &c upon it.
I cannot see that such payment as this is consistent with the
principle, now acquiesced in on all sides that payment is to be made
to the Co, not as private traders & landlords, but only as owners &
Governors of the whole Country, and for expenditure of a public
It is true that the whole island is by the Grant made re-purchasable
by the Crown. But that, it seems, is consistent with the Co
retaining lands acquired by purchase, and, remembering the
correspondence between
Lord Grey &
Sir J. Pelly, I do not see

why it
sh. not be consistent with their retaining lands acquired by previous
As to their apparent admission in
1858 (see
Mr M's minute on 533) it
must be remembered that the statement of accts wh. contained it was
first claim, wh. included private property—Farms, Mills &c—as
well as public. I may be wrong, but these points are, I think, worth
considering before a peremptory reply is given to
Mr Berens.
Duke of Newcastle
I have looked again into this matter, and cannot see it as
Merivale does. Speaking with all humility, as one unlearned in the
law, I cannot but think that the C
o wd. make their title good. But
if there were every reason for thinking that such is not the case, in
point of law, I still think that we could not, after all that has
passed, fairly use our legal rights ag
st them—except for the
purpose of bringing them into terms for the protection of public
interests at
Victoria, such as the setting apart of public parks, or
any object of that kind.
It may assist you in coming to a decision on this case to have
before you in one view all the statements made to us by the Co. from
time to time as to these Reserves, and all the admissions we have
made to them as to their tenure, and I will therefore extract them
here from the Papers.
Govr Blanshard writes on the
28th April 1851 complaining of a
proposed expenditure by the HB Co. of £4000 on public buildings,
which, he says, "will then be surrounded by their reserves, wh.
they are neither prepared to use or sell. The large tract of land
called their reserves, of about 30 square miles

in extent, includes
the only part of the Island, in the Straits of Fuca, in any way
adapted for the first settlement &c."
This desp. was sent to the HB Co. for explanations, wh.
Sir J. Pelly
furnishes in his letter to
Ld Grey of the
10th Sepbr 1857. He
says it had been thought that "the Fur Trade branch of the Co wd.
require a considerable quantity of land
in addition to that wh. they possessed before the conclusion
of the Boundary Treaty of 1846 &c" that the Puget Sound Co. had also
intended to buy "a tract of land
near the Fur Trade Reserve." But that it was found that "the
land occupied by the Fur Trade at
Fort Victoria previous to
1846" was
enough, and they wd. not buy any more then. Upon this there is a
minute of
Sir B. Hawes, wh. is worth noticing. He writes
"As to the buildings being placed in the midst of
the Co's reserves, I think it objectionable, unless very clear
provision be made for a
free access to them
in the event of the surrender of the
Charter," and again "I suppose therefore the proposed outlay is
wholly on the Co's land, which I think objectionable."
MrB. Hawes evidently understood the Co's Reserves

to be their
private property, wh. wd. remain so, after the surrender of the
Mr Merivale and
Lord Grey say, in their minutes, that if the Co
reserve land for their private purposes, they ought to pay for it,
like other settlers.
July 1851 Admiral Moresby writes "Large tracts of land
surrounding Victoria and
Esquimalt are reserved by the Co &c."
This is referred to
Sir J. Pelly, who writes,
Novbr 7. 1851
referring to his former letter and saying that "the land reserved for
the Fur Trade" is 6 square miles & not 20—that it was "in the Co's
possession" before the Boundary Treaty—and that "should any addition
to the quantity be required, the Co. will pay for it, as other
settlers do." Another letter follows from
Sir J. Pelly—
Jan. 14.
1852—repeating more fully the same statement as to the Fur Trade
Reserves—wh. is quoted by
Mr Berens in his recent letter.
Lord Grey, by a letter of the
2nd Feb asks for "some further
explanation as to the distinction between the lands wh. the H.B.Co.
possessed before the Boundary Treaty and others" wh.
Sir J. Pelly

gives in a letter of the
4th Feb. He says "These lands they
claim as theirs without purchase and the possessory rights thus
acquired in the territory S. of the 49
th parr. have been guaranteed
to them by the Boundary Treaty. Among the lands occupied by the Co.
N. of the 49
th par. is that situated
at Fort Victoria in
V. Island where they formed an establishment
1843 &c."
"Its exact extent has not yet been ascertained by the Co's
Surveyor—but, whatever that may be, the Co. consider that they have a
right to hold that land without paying for it, while for any
additional quantity &c."
Mr Merivale's minute on this—"of course
it could not be intended that land actually occupied by the
H.B.Co in
Van. Id at the date of their agreement with
Govt sh. be
charged for & paid for like other land.
The only question that can arise will be as to the amount of
such land."
The words of
Lord Grey's answer & decision (
13 Feb. 1852) are—"His
Lordship having considered this explanation directs me to state that
he is not disposed to question the right of the Co. to land
actually occupied by them previously to the arrangement for
Van. Id a Colony."
The letter calls for an accurate description of their lands & ends
thus "I am directed to add that his Lordship understands the claim you
prefer to be strictly confined to land actually occupied & made use
of, beyond which he conceives that it ought not on any account to be
This correspondence was sent to
Govr Douglas, with directions to
furnish any information in his power as to the extent & description
of the lands in question. This he does by his letter of
25th June
1852, accompanied by a sketch map of the Co. reserves in the District
Victoria. One remark of his is worth quoting—"With the
exception" he says "of the farm
at Fort Victoria, wh. is advantageously
situated on Victoria
Harbour, & will become valuable as the Colony improves, the Co's
farms possess no exclusive advantage."
July 1852 Sir J. Pakington asked the Co. for information as to the
progress of the Island—wh. was furnished by them on the
24th Novbr
in a letter stating the quantity of land sold &c—& containing the
following passage—"The
Fur-Trade branch of the H.B.Co. are in possession, under the
sanction of H.M.'s
Govt of 3084 acres of land, wh. were

occupied by
them previous to the date of the Boundary Treaty. They have
sold portions of this land to some of their retired servants
who have settled themselves upon it."
1853 the Co. caused these lands to be registered in the office of
the Registrar of Deeds in
Van. Id—in their name—as land occupied
by them previous to the Treaty of
1846—Lot 24—being "in the
neighbourhood of
Feb. 1858, at the request of
Mr Labouchere, the Co. sent in their
Claim No. 1. comprising a statement of the value of their property
of every kind. This contained an item "Land £3084" explained
then by a note—"This Land, comprising 3084 acres having been possessed
by the H.B.Co. as Fur Trade Reserves previous to the Grant of the
Island in
1849, it will have to be considered whether the price to be
paid shall not be the current value of the land instead of the fixed
price of £1 per acre."
[Truly?] therefore, [telling?] in my [view?] that government had [a]
right to take [it] back—only [three words illegible].
[One word off file] private property—under first claim?
Augt 1858 the Co. accepted the decison of the
Govt, founded on
the opinion of the Law Officers, that the
Govt was only bound to
compensate them

for the value of the property
connected with their ownership of the Island under the Grant
and on the
2nd Novbr they sent in an amended account, "drawn up in
strict conformity with the principle laid down by Lord Carnarvon &c"
from which the "Fur Trade Reserves" were of course omitted, as
private property.
The question of the true character of these lands has since arisen,
out of the correspondence as to the sale of the old
Govt buildings at
Victoria, and the advance of a sum of money by
Mr Dallas, the Co's
Agent to
Govr Douglas, in consequence of such sale. In the course
of these proceedings the
Govr informed the Assembly that those
buildings were "the property of the H.B.Co." and
Mr Pemberton, the
Surveyor General, told them that he & the
Govr "had at first
believed them (buildings & site) to belong to the
Govt—but upon
the return of the Agent of the Fur Trade Co, they had been convinced,
after taking legal advice upon the matter, that the Fur
Traders were the rightful
owners of the aforesaid property" (in
12465). As a matter of fact, the Co. has treated these lands all
along as their private property—and since the site acquired, by the
Gold discovery, a greater & earlier value than
Mr Douglas could have
anticipated, when he wrote his letter of June 1852, they have sold
portions of it as building ground in the Town of
Victoria, to the
amount, as
Mr Pemberton told
Mr M. & myself, of some £30,000.
Sales wh. of course were notorious, but the proceeds of wh. they did
not carry, nor were ever asked, nor, as far as appears, expected to
carry, to the public acct. of the Island.
Mr Pemberton said [cut off file] he had expressed his
opinion that the balance was [cut off file]
either [one word off file]—Clearly [showing?] that in
[the?] island the right was regarded as doubtful.
After all this—can we now interpret
Lord Grey's concession as
meaning nothing but a permission to
use these lands during the continuance of the Grant, with an
implied condition that on its termination they sh. revert to the
Crown, without purchase or Compensation? It is true that the
language of the Co. in stating

its claims to this office was not as
plain & straightforward as it ought to have been. Still it amounted,
I think, to much more than a mere claim of usufruct during the
continuance of the Grant—and must have been so understood here & in
Van. Id. The fact of the Co. turning out, by good luck, to be the
"ground landlords of the whole City of
Victoria," naturally startles
one, & has roused
Mr Merivale to battle in behalf of the Public. I
fear myself it is too late at all events, before we insist on our
rights so far as to require the Co. to go before the Judicial
Committee. I would suggest that the case sh. be laid before a fresh
mind—and a legal one. Indeed I would consult the Law Officers upon
the point.