I have to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No. 6 of the
26th of January communicating a proposal of
Mr Edward Stamp to
establish a sawmill and other works in
Vancouver Island, and reporting
the concessions which you have promised to
Mr Stamp in consequence.
I have to convey to
you my approval of the agreement into which
you have entered with
Mr Stamp. The transaction cannot of course be
completed till after the retransfer of
Vancouver to the Crown,
but in the meantime the Company will no doubt commence their operations
and enter upon their land on the faith of the promise you have given
that they shall be at liberty to acquire, at the upset price of the day
for agricultural lands not exceeding under any circumstances £1 an acre,
the land on which their establishments are to be placed, and, in
certain specified conditions, additional timbered land not exceeding in
the whole 15,000 acres.
It would be desirable to determine clearly as soon as possible the
conditions under which the right of selecting 15,000 acres of forest
is to be exercised by the Company. The selection should be made in
blocks of not less than a certain
length and breadth, and within a
certain time.