No. 40
Downing Street
17 October 1860
I have received your despatches Nos. 39 of the
8th of August, and
No. 41 of the
25th August respecting the recent influx of Indians
into the neighbourhood of
I am very glad to perceive that, without neglecting those
precautions which are
necessary for the immediate security of the
Settlers; you are endeavouring to provide for the permanent
tranquillity of the Colony not by the mere application of physical
force but by measures calculated to introduce among the Indians habits
of order, and respect for law and authority.
I hope that these means and the Christian teaching and influence
with which, by the valuable exertions of
Mr Duncan they are now
brought into contact, will
bebe effectual gradually to elevate their
moral character, and to render them useful inhabitants of the Colony.
But as a necessary condition of any such improvement I would
impress most strongly on you the necessity of using every exertion both
by the vigorous execution of the Law, and by every appeal which can be
made to the right feeling, and self interest of the Settlers to prevent
or check the sale of spirituous liquors.
This practice always
demoralizing and destructive to the Indians,
is at
Fort Victoria a source of real and important danger to the Colony.
Every man who habituates these savages to the use of stimulants, puts
in peril the lives and property of the society to which he belongs. He
commits a crime against his brother colonists, which if even it cannot
be reached by the law ought in mere prudence to be subjected to the
heaviest penalties
whichwhich public opinion can inflict. I trust that it
will be so. If it is not I am sure that the community will soon have
reason to lament its own apathy on a matter so vital to its interests.
I am sure you will take care that no part of the evil consequences
which may result are chargeable on the silence or inaction of Government.
I think you should also propose to the Assembly a bill
prohibiting the sale
ofof Arms and ammunition to Indians; a restriction
not less required apparently for their own protection than for that of
the Colonists. The probability that such a law will be evaded is no
reason for leaving the practice wholly unchecked, and sanctioned by law.
And finally I wish you to use your influence to impress on the
Colonists the necessity of providing themselves with arms and of
learning to use them, which would probably be best accomplished by
encouraging the formation of a volunteer force.
I need hardly add that Her Majesty's Government will view with
great interest the measures you may adopt for the improvement of the
Indians and for regulating their intercourse with the Colonists in such
a manner as shall conduce to the well being of both races.