I have received your despatch No. 74 of the
7th of December 1861,
enclosing a copy of a report from the Chief Justice of
Vancouver Island
in which he states the reasons which had prevented
Mr. John Copland
from being admitted to legal practice in that Colony.
Mr. Coplandhas
has qualified himself by study in Scotland for
practice as a Write to the Signet, I think the Chief Justice would have
acted wisely if he had carried into effect his intention of making a
rule of Court under which that Gentleman might be admitted to practise
Vancouver Island after a years instruction in that Colony, nor can I see what reason there
was for doubting that the Chief Justice possessed
the power of making such a rule in spite of the provisions of 12 and 13
Vict: cap: 48 which do not appear to deprive him of any authority which
he previously possessed.
Failing such a rule of Court, I also think that the Legislature
would have done wisely in enacting a Law with a similar object and I
hope that in one
way or other it will be found practicable to admit to
the Bar on the roll of Attorneys persons who like
Mr. Copland are
presumably well qualified to practise the law.