But there is once aspect of his case which is of so much future
and general importance that I cannot omit making it the subject of a
distinct communication. I find that in
September 1858 Mr. D'Ewes
received from
Sir Edward Lyttona
a letter of introduction to you
grounded on testimonials given to him by
Lord Willoughby de Broke and
Mr. Tooke F. R. S. Very soon afterwards however
Sir E. Lytton discovered
that, in consequence of certain occurrences at Ballarat in
Victoria in
the year
Mr. D'Ewes' name was erased from the Commission of the
Peace, and
Sir E. Lytton accordingly communicated this information to
you in a
confidential despatch dated the
29th of November 1858. I should wish to know whether you received this last despatch, and, if
so, what induced you to confer an appointment upon anyone respecting
whom you had been supplied with such information.
I feel it incumbent on me to call for an explanation on this point,
because I have with great regret heard it alleged that you have created
an impression
that you felt bound in selections for appointments, to
give a preference to persons who brought out letters of introduction
from this Office. If this be so it is a great error on your part. You
must be aware that the standing form, never omitted in such letters,
impresses it upon you, that you are on no account to view them as
bestowing any claim on your patronage, and I can assure you that so far
from obliging the Secretary
of State, you cannot more certainly incur
his displeasure, than by treating his letters, contrary to his own
express desire, as any reason for disposing of the patronage in the
Colony other wise than in the manner best calculated to promote the
public interests and uphold the character for Public Service.