No. 60
Referring to your Despatch N
o 2 dated
7th January 1865 respecting
the appointment of an Attorney General for
Vancouver Island I have
the honor to inform you that I placed the sum of £600 on the
Estimates for
1865 to cover the salary and fees hitherto paid to that
The Legislative Assembly
declined declined to vote more than £300 as a
"temporary and provisional salary", "with fees as heretofore."
Under these circumstances the Colony must continue to labour under
the obvious disadvantage of having the important office of Attorney
General filled by a Gentleman who is conscious that his appointment
may cease with the temporary and provisional salary voted.
In reference to the part payment
of of this officer by fees, I have
already stated my opinion in my Despatch N
o 64,
31st August 1864
that this system holds out a direct inducement to the Attorney
General or the solicitor whom he may please to employ to involve the
Government in litigation.
I may further add that I believe the amount of fees for 1865 in
addition to the £300 voted as salary will considerably exceed the sum
of £600 which I placed on the Estimates.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient Servant
A.E. Kennedy
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
An ill judging, & probably an ill tempered House of Assembly.
We can do nothing here: for no permanent appointment to the Office
of Attorney General can be made under these circs.
Other documents included in the file