I deem it my duty to direct your attention to Proceedings of
Executive Council transmitted by this Mail pages 7, 9, 10, and to the
letters dated
11th and
12th August 1865 in the Appendix thereto,
relative to the suspension of
Mr Wootton, Postmaster and Harbour
Master of this Colony.
The outline of this case as given in the proceedings will speak for
I could not entertain a doubt of
Mr Wootton's drunkenness on the
occasion referred to—a habit he is well known to indulge in—and it
seems incredible that a medical man would prescribe and a chemist
administer a dose that would deprive a full grown man of his senses
and the power of locomotion in a few minutes. I am therefore driven
to the painful
conclusion conclusion that the Witnesses (who were unsworn)
brought forward in
Mr Wootton's defence made a false statement to
save a friend from the consequences which they knew would result if
the charge of drunkenness were proved.
Though I entertain an indifferent opinion of
Mr Wootton (who is an
ex-master in the merchant service) both as to character and capacity
I thought it expedient to suspend him when the whole of the Members
of Council voted against it.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient Servant
A.E. Kennedy
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
The details of this case are supplied in the proceedings of the Ex:
Council (4665/
66) for the 1/2 year ending
Decr/65 which I pass on
The Governor met the Harbor Master in a state as he supposed, of
Drunkenness in the day time. The Govr suspended him from Office, &
called an enquiry which resulted in his being
proved (2y) on unsworn evidence, to have been in a stupified
condition arising from the remedies given him, by order of a Dr,
for an attack of neuralgia.
See separate Minute.
I apprehend that no sane (and one is tempted to add no honest) man
can entertain a moment's doubt that
Mr Wootton was purely drunk.
The whole of the Officials of
Vancouver probably think it a mark of
good fellowship to acquit a brother officer against the evidence. If
they are unanimous in wishing the Colony to have a drunken man to
perform such duties as those of Harbormaster and Postmaster, the
Governor could hardly do otherwise than submit.
Two courses might be taken here. One would be simply to acknowledge.
The other would be to express surprise that the Members of the
Executive Council had been able with such unanimity to
declare declare
themselves satisfied by testimony of the nature of that which was
brought before them, but that
Mr Cardwell presumes that they cannot
be ignorant how blameable it would be knowingly to maintain in such
responsible Offices as those of Postmaster and Harbormaster a man
addicted to intemperate habits, and is bound therefore to suppose
that they found some reasons which convinced their minds of the truth
of the defence offered by
Mr Wootton.
Other documents included in the file