Despatch to London.
Minutes (4), Enclosures (untranscribed) (2), Other documents (1).
Seymour forwards An Ordinance for regulating the acquisition of Crown Lands in British Columbia and reports on the ordinance from the attorney general and the surveyor general.
Seymour relates his views on the ordinance and does not recommend it for favorable consideration.Cox’s minute discusses how the ordinance passed in defiance of the Govt and suggests sending it to the land board. Adderley’s minute asks for the land board to provide special advice on the postponement of foreigners in the ordinance. Buckingham’s minute instructs the ordinance to be taken to the land board and for information
on preemption in other colonies.
No. 149
22nd November 1867
My Lord Duke,
I greatly regret that, by oversight, I have not earlier
forwarded to Your Grace an Ordinance of the last Session of the
Legislature of this Colonywhich which I had reserved for Her Majesty's
2. I have now the honor to forward an Authenticated and
two plain Copies of a Bill which has passed the Legislative
Council. It is entitled;
An Ordinance for regulating the acquisition
of Crown Lands in British Columbia.
3. I add the report of the Attorney General and ofthe the
Surveyor General.
4. I share in the objections which these officers take to
the measure and go further in saying that I consider Legislation on
the subject at present unnecessary. Englishmen or naturalized
Englishmen can now virtually get land for nothing, provided that
they improve that which they settle on. No payment is required
until the Government Survey has reached their land,and and that Survey
the Government is not at present in a position to undertake.
5. Viewing the present Bill as decidedly unneccessary, if
not mischievous, I withheld my assent to it and am unable now to
recommend it for Your Grace's favorable consideration.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your most obedient,
humble Servant. Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Holland
The Act appears to have been carried in defiance of the Govt
& you will see the Govr, the Attorney General & the Surveyor
General are all opposed to its policy—& the Govr did not give
his assent to it.
The argument of the Att.Genl & the Surveyor General appear
very conclusive agt the Act—at the same time I suppose you
will suggest a reference to the Land Bd as the 1st step.
Duke of Buckingham
There are clearly errors enough in detail to reject the Ordce
but, subject to ammendt it is needed. In referring
to Land Bd I should like special advice on the postponement of
foreigners. The main object is to draw capital & occupation as
rapidly as possible. I doubt the minn of 320 acres & would
only insist on residence [agst agency?]—& on the reqte
ammendt in detail.