
Project team

The following people (in alphabetical order) have participated in the conversion of the print project to an online XML database application, and the subsequent enhancement and annotation of the texts:
  • Petria Arienzale: Research, writing and editing
  • Anthony Auchterlonie (Victoria Foundation project): Decolonization research, writing and editing
  • Matt Betker: Research, writing and editing
  • Theo Biggs: Research, writing, editing and map encoding
  • Isabelle Carré-Hudson: Research, writing and editing
  • Caitlin Croteau: Research assistant
  • Brigitte Dreger-Smylie: Research, writing and editing
  • Holly Edmonds: Research, writing and editing
  • Jess Edwards: Research, writing and editing
  • Merna Forster: Project management
  • Kaitlin Fortier: Research, writing and editing
  • Ireland Good: Research, writing and editing
  • Vincent Gornall: Research and writing
  • Nathaniel Hayes: Research, writing and editing
  • Dr. James Hendrickson: Content expertise and research. Dr. Hendrickson is the original begetter of the project.
  • Martin Holmes (UVic HCMC): Project management and programming (I’m the primary project contact, so write to me with questions!)
  • Claire Horwood: Research and writing
  • Lindsey Jacobson: Research, writing and editing
  • Skye Lacroix (Victoria Foundation project): Decolonization research, writing and editing
  • Dave Lang: Research, writing and editing
  • Frank Leonard: Research and biographies
  • Angelica Lopez: Research, writing and editing
  • Wenjuan Lu: Research, writing and editing
  • Dr. John Lutz (UVic History Dept): Academic director
  • Gordon Lyall: Technical editor, research and markup, project management, writing and editing
  • Lily Maase: Research, writing and editing
  • Quinn MacDonald: Research, writing and editing
  • Rosemary MacKenzie: Research assistant
  • Ashley MacLellan: Research, writing and editing
  • Shaun Macpherson: Research, writing and editing
  • Alison Malis: Research, writing and editing
  • Sean Manning: Research assistant
  • Marion Massey: Document transcription
  • Joey Mauro: Research and writing
  • Matthew McBride: Research, writing and editing
  • Kiah McGeer: Research, writing and editing
  • Rachel McRory: Research, writing and editing
  • Kahlan Miron: Research, writing and editing
  • Rijk Mollema: Research, writing and editing
  • Sydney Moore (Victoria Foundation project): Decolonization research, writing and editing
  • Katelyn Moores: Research, writing and editing
  • Ryan Munroe: Research, writing and editing
  • Julianna Nielsen: Research, writing and editing
  • Chris Petter (UVic Libraries): Consulting, fundraising and research
  • Spencer Pickles: Research, writing and editing
  • Amorena Roberts: Image processing
  • Loring Rochacewich: Research assistant
  • Antoine Rose: Research assistant
  • Lauren Ross: Research, writing and editing
  • Teresa Sammut: Research, writing and editing
  • Lisa Schnitzler (Victoria Foundation project): Decolonization research, writing and editing
  • Lindsey Schultz: Research, writing and editing
  • Kim Shortreed: Technical editor, research and markup, writing and editing, documentation, project management
  • Heather Stirling: Research, writing and editing
  • Terrance Stone: Research assistant
  • Patrick Szpak: Design, research and markup
  • Kate VanGiesen: Research, writing and editing
  • Riley Vlooswyk: Research, writing and editing
  • Josh White: Research, writing and editing
  • Leanna Wong: Research assistant
  • Cameron Young: Research, writing and editing
Special thanks to Susan Doyle and the UVic English Department’s Professional Writing program, for their contributions through their Directed Reading students from English 492: Directed Reading: Advanced Topics In Professional Writing.


This project is supported by:
  • University of Victoria Humanities and Computing Media Centre
  • University of Victoria Libraries
  • University of Victoria Law Faculty
  • Victoria Foundation
  • The Canadian Council of Archives
  • Canadian Heritage
  • Ike Barber B.C. History Digitization Project
  • The National Archives (UK)
UVic HCMC Logo 
UVic Libraries Logo 
Victoria Foundation Logo 
Canadian Council of Archives Logo 
LAC Logo 
Canadian Heritage Logo 
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Logo 
UK National Archives Logo 


Thanks are due to the following people who have supported and encouraged us in our work:
  • Jonathan Bengtson and his predecessor Marnie Swanson (UVic University Librarians)
  • Lisa Goddard (UVic Libraries)
  • Christine Walsh (UVic Libraries)
  • Ken Cooley (UVic Libraries)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Grove-White (Former Director of the Humanities Computing and Media Centre)
  • Stewart Arneil, Pat Szpak, and Greg Newton (UVic HCMC)
  • The UVic Computing Services team, who keep our servers and web applications running

Acknowledgements from the original print documents

The following is a reproduction of the acknowledgements written by Dr. Hendrickson, which appeared in the original print documents produced by his team in the 1990s.
A number of persons and agencies have helped to make this project a reality. The University of Victoria provided computer time and other resources before additional funds became available, and has continued to assist generously in many ways. A number of students entered and checked data between 1981 and 1987, supported by a variety of grants funded singly or jointly by the provincial ministries of labour and education and by occasional matching grants from the federal government. Among the students so employed were Allison Peden, June Bouchard, Karin Barber, Joel Cotter, Jill McKinstry, Richard Barker, Kelly Allen, Sage Moore, Bernice Montgomery, Wendy Wallace, Garth Low, and Lisa McDougall.
In 1985 a donor, who yet remains anonymous, offered to fund the transcription of these despatches by a grant through the Vancouver Foundation of $25,000, on the condition that matching funds be found from other sources. In due course such funds, and more, were provided by the Law Foundation of British Columbia and from provincial lottery funds administered through the British Columbia Heritage Trust.
Three persons in particular contributed exceptional service in the production of these documents, both in terms of their considerable energies and enthusiasms, and also in their professional abilities, devotion, and expertise. Brenda Robson served as editorial associate from January to December 1985 and was primarily responsible for the entry of data during that period and the implementation of policy decisions that evolved. Sandra Cass, who had worked part-time to that point, then replaced Brenda, completing the data entry and checking the entire manuscript against the microfilm copy. Following that, my wife Sonja provided indispensable assistance during several summer stints in the Public Record Office in Kew, proofing transcripts against the original records and otherwise assisting in research now incorporated in this project.
From the inception of this project, I received sympathetic technical assistance from Arthur Brett and Martin Milner of UVic Computing Services, and in lesser but nonetheless important ways from Moira Glen, Mike Keating, and Laura Proctor, to say nothing of the faceless staff who do whatever it is they do to link the terminals and disks and printers to spew out the finished product. The end product, in fact, could not have achieved its present form without the dedicated efforts of Kim McGowan, who provided essential technical support in ways that routinely exceeded the call of duty.
A number of administrators assisted the project in other ways. beginning with Ian MacPherson of the Department of History and Sam Scully, Dean of Humanities in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Fred Bennett of the Office of Research Administration proved a superb facilitator in directing traffic and easing the flow of paperwork that necessarily attaches to projects of this magnitude.
A special word of thanks must be accorded to Richard H. Vogel, Q.C., who first encountered these records in his tenure as Deputy Attorney General, and who later, as a private citizen, took some initiatives that made it possible to bring this project to fruition. His unfailing support and encouragement has been most appreciated.
James E. Hendrickson
University of Victoria