Despatch to London.
Minutes (2), Other documents (1).
Seymour observes that the amount British Columbia owes to the Imperial Government for the Military Occupation of the Island of San Juanincreased on 30 Septemmber 1867 because certain payments could not be charged to the Naval Funds.Seymour remarks that further notes of this type will not be required due to changes in procedure.
Cox’s minute suggests sending the despatch to the Treasury, with reference to their letter 6359.
No. 92
5th August 1868
My Lord Duke,
I have had the honor to receive Your Grace's despatch No. 34,
of the 28th June, transmitting Copy of a letter from the
Treasury, with one from the Admiralty, in reference to expenses
incurred inconnection connection with the Military Occupation of the
Island of San Juan.
2. I observe that the balance due the Imperial Government on
the 30th September 1867 was increased from £406.9.3 to
£547.9.9, owing to the undermentioned payments not being
chargeable to Naval Funds:
Paid for Collecting Pine Seeds £118.08.08.
Freight on War Office Stores ‹£ 22.11.10.
3. I
3. I presume it is not necessary to make any note of this in
future accounts, it being a matter of distribution of
expenditure amongst the Departments particularly chargeable, and
that the accounts have been duly recovered, the sum of £118.8.8
from the Department of Woods and Forests and that of £22.11.10
from the War Office.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient,
humble Servant. Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
To the Ty with reference to their letter 6359.