This document contains mentions of Indigenous Peoples. The authors of these documents
often perpetuate a negative perspective of Indigenous Peoples and it is important
to look critically at these mentions. They sometimes use terminology that is now considered
hurtful and offensive. To learn more about modern terminology pertaining to Indigenous
Peoples, Indigenous ways of knowing, and decolonization, please refer to the Glossary of terms.
Pelly writes Hawes to confirm his receipt of letters on the subject of Vancouver Island and the North West Territory, of which, Pelly is pleased to report, among other things, that the the newly appointed Governor of
Oregon will enforce the borders, as demarcated in the 1846 Oregon Treaty, in the most
liberal sense. Pelly then offers that part of the HBC's objective for Vancouver Island is to civilize the native tribes by fixing settlers amongst them. Finally, Pelly suggests that the gravitas of the presence of Her Majesty's Ships on and around Vancouver Island would have beneficial consequences for both American and Indigenous relations.
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 16th
Novr transmitting, by direction of Earl Grey, the copy of a communication from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, enclosing
the copy of a letter addressed to their Lordships by Rear Admiral Hornby
on the State of affairs in Vancouvers Island and in the North West Territory.
I beg to assure Lord Grey that it affords the Directors of the
Hudson's Bay Company the most lively satisfaction to learn that General
Lane, the newly appointed Governor of Oregon, is disposed to carry out the provisions of the late Treaty of demarcation in the most liberal manner.
As regards the information given by Captain Shepherd, that the whole of the Companys establishment in Oregon will, in the course of the Summer, be disposed of to the Americans, I fear that this
event, however desirable for both countries, can hardly be effected
within the time specified, as the subject has yet to be discussed in
both Houses of Congress.
With respect to the colonization of Vancouver's Island, as one of the main objects of the Company is to civilize the native tribes by
fixing settlers amongst them, who will find employment for them, and
shew them the advantages to be derived from cultivating the Soil; — and as in all the Company's dealings with
the natives of other parts over which
they have had controul, they have never come into collision with any
tribe, as a tribe, they trust that by conciliatory measures they will be
able to effect their object without the aid of troops: — at the Same time
an occasional visit of Some of Her Majesty's Ships cannot fail to be
attended with the most beneficial consequences, both as regards the
natives in the Island, and the American population in the neighbourhood.
I have the honor to be
Your obedient
humble Servt J H Pelly