No. 95
9 November 1860
My Lord Duke
In my Report on
British Columbia of the
9th of October
last, marked "Separate", I had the honor to inform Your Grace

the dispatch of an exploratory party from
Douglas, under
the charge of
Dr Forbes of Her Majesty's Ship "
Topaze", to
examine, especially with reference to its mineral character,
the country bordering on
Harrison Lake and
I have now the honor of forwarding the valuable and
highly interesting Report of that gentleman, who lately
returned to this

place with his party, in good health.
His researches, carried on under many difficulties
inseparable from the country, were prosecuted with a very
creditable degree of activity and vigour, and have been
eminently successful in elucidating the true mineral value
of the District, the whole of which he believes to be
metalliferous, and the greater portion of it

He found and examined many argentiferous veins, and
he observes that he has not the least doubt that there is
abundance of silver in those formations, but it can only be
reached by an outlay of capital and steady persevering mining operations.
He has also from various indications been led to believe
that in

many of the metalliferous veins described in his
Report, deep mining will develope gold.
Dr Forbes recommends that encouragement should be given
to Companies for the purpose of working silver mines, and
thinks they cannot be worked advantageously by individual enterprise
or exertion, a suggestion which meets with my warmest approval.

I trust that
Dr Forbes' able Report may have the effect
of attracting public attention in England to the Mineral
wealth of
British Columbia, and to the facilities it presents
for the profitable investment of capital.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Print the Report for Parliament & send copies when
printed to the Societies interested? Acknowledge?
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Forbes to
22 October 1860, reporting as per despatch (21 pages).