I beg to inform you of my arrival at
Victoria, the settlement of
the Hudson bay company in
Vancouvers Island, on the
10th March ult. in H.M.S.S.
Driver, on the
11th I landed and read my commission in presence of
Commander Johnson of H.M.S
Driver and the Officers and
servants of the Hudson
d 16 July /50 N
o 4.
Copy to
Sir J Pelly for inform
n of H.B Comp
y 23 July /50
Bay Company; No lodging being ready for me I have
been compelled to remain on board the
Driver during her stay in the
colony, and took the opportunity of visiting
Fort Rupert, a new
settlement which has been formed at
Beaver Harbour for the purpose of
working the coals with which the North Eastern part of
the Island is
said to abound; About six months ago the Hudson Bay company sent a party
of Scotch miners to
Beaver Harbour, but they have not yet been able to
discover coal in any quantity; at the depth of seventy feet the largest
seam they had struck was only eight inches in depth, and the surface
coal which former reports describe as being three feet in depth and of
excellent quality, nowhere as I am assured by the miners exceeds ten
inches of which one half is slag. Should they persevere
there is no
doubt that a supply of coal may eventually be obtained which will
greatly increase the value of this colony but the miners are unprovided
with proper implements, discontented with their employers, and can
scarcely be induced to work.
An application was made to me by
Captain Hill commandant of the
U.S. military post at
Chelakom to allow a force to proceed to
Island to apprehend two men, military deserters from the United States
Army who had he stated been taken from
Chelakom by a schooner belonging
to the Hudson Bay company, incurring thereby a heavy penalty under the
local laws of the state of
Oregon. This I declined to allow, as I conceive that no reciprocal arrangement exists between
Great Britain and
the United States for the arrest of deserters for purely military offences.
The quantity of arable land, or land that can be made arable is so
far as I can ascertain exceedingly limited throughout
the Island, which
consists almost entirely of broken ranges of rocky hills, intersected by
ravines and vallies so narrow as to render them useless for cultivation _
Mr MacNeil, Agent of the Hudson Bay company at
Beaver Harbour, who is considered to be better acquainted with the Indian population
than any other person, estimates their number at the very largest at ten
thousand, and these he considers to be steadily decreasing, although the
sale of spirituous liquors has been for a considerable time prohibited
and the prohibition appears to be strictly enforced. As no settlers
have at present arrived, I have considered that it is unnecessary as yet
nominate a council as my instructions direct, for a council chosen at
present must be composed entirely of the officers of the Hudson Bay
Company few if any of whom possess the qualification of landed property
which is required to vote for members of assembly, and they would
moreover be completely under the controul of their superior officers,
but as no immediate arrival of settlers is likely to take place, and my
instructions direct me to form a council on my arrival I should wish for
a farther direction on this point, before I proceed to its formation.
Minutes by CO staff
Capt. Blanshard gives no very favorable account of the natural
capabilities of
Vancouver Island, much less so indeed than other accounts of recent visitors would lead me to expect
— He may be
instructed that the
nomi nomination of a council is not incumbent upon him
until a sufficient number of settlers have arrived to afford a choice, although it
is expedient not to delay it unnecessarily?
Other documents included in the file
Minutes by CO staff
Returned to Dt by mistake in a bundle of other papers, & reforwarded the 15th instt.
A copy of this corresp: should be communicated to the Hud. Bay. C.
Other documents included in the file
Draft, Colonial Office to
Sir John Pelly, Hudson's Bay Company,
23 July 1850, forwarding copy of the despatch for information.
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Blanshard, Governor Richard
Grey, Third Earl, Henry George
Hill, Captain Bennett H.
Johnson, Commander Charles Richardson
McNeill, Captain William Henry
Merivale, Herman
Pelly, Sir John Henry
Vessels in this document
HMS Driver, 1840-1861
Places in this document
Beaver Harbour
Fort Rupert, or T'sakis
Oregon Territory, or Columbia District
Vancouver Island