15th April 1852
December 1852 18low4.
[...]o. Gold. mediumJuly 1853
The Right
Honble Earl Grey
Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State
For the Colonial Department.
My Lord
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, on the
16th March,
of your Lordship's Despatches of the
19th SepthighHESr and of the
5th November, 1851, No. 1 Military,
the former inclosing a
Report, from the Hudson's Bay Company, shewing the quantity of land sold
by the Company at
Vancouver's Island, at the price of one pound per
acre, with other
Extract to
[...] Blanshard 5 Aughight/52
16 2 Aughight/52⎯ N
information relative to the progress of
settlement in
this Colony.
I will not occupy your Lordship's time with any remarks upon
the Report from the Hudson's Bay Company, as it contains a correct
statement of their proceedings in reference to the colonization of
Vancouver's Island, and in the course of my communications, I will have
occasion to inform your Lordship of all matters relative to the State &
progress of the Settlements.
With reference to your
Lordship's Despatch of the
November I beg to observe that there is no copy of my Predecessor's
official correspondence with your Lordship among the public documents
committed by him to my Keeping. I therefore cannot properly furnish the
information which your Lordship appears to require, relative to the
proceedings taken by
Mr Blanchard for the apprehension of
the Natives concerned in the murders of the British seamen at
Neweete in
the month of
July 1850. I however informed your Lordship in my letter
of the
21st of October last,
that the three natives concerned in that murder had been executed by
their own countrymen, and that we had in consequence renewed peaceful
relations with the Neweeté Tribe; who have since then been remarkably
quiet and orderly in their deportment, from whence I infer that the
retaliatory measures adapted by
MrBlanchard, and so vigourously
sustained by
Lieut Lacy, of Her Majesty's Ship "
Daphnae" have had a
most salutory effect in impressing the minds of the Neweeté Tribe, as
well as other Indian Tribes, who inhabit the north end of
Island, with a proper degree of respect for the persons and property of
Her Majesty's Subjects; who may
through accident fall into their power.
The instructions in your Lordships Despatch of the
March 1851, No 1 Military, in reference to the views, which Her
Majesty's Government entertain on the question of the protection to be
afforded to British subjects, against the violence of the Native Indian
Tribes, will be made known to the Public, and be considered as the rule
of our future proceedings in such cases. Every means in the power of
this Government, will also be exerted to keep the Colonists together,
and to prevent them from straggling into the Indian Country, and forming
detached settlements, which from their weakness and isolation, would be
greatly exposed to Indian depredations, and become a source of disquiet
to the Colony.
It is obviously the interest and should be the constant study
of this Government, to avoid every course that may directly or
indirectly lead to dissension with the powerful Indian Tribes inhabiting
Vancouver's Island, whose numbers are estimated at 20,000 including
women and children.
They fortunately do not all speak the same language, and have their
sectional interests and disputes, which keep them, divided, and in
measure hostile to each other; but notwithstanding those intestine
discords, their friendship is valuable and their opposition would prove
a formidable obstacle to the progress of an infant Colony.
A difficulty which nearly led to a fatal affray with the Songies
Tribe, occurred last month, in consequence of an attempt that was made
to apprehend an individual of that nation, who was accused of having
slaughtered several head of neat cattle and sheep, belonging to a
Two Indians were, in succession, charged with the offence, one of
whom was captured without difficulty, and brought in by the Officer,
intrusted with the execution of the warrant, but in attempting
afterwards to apprehend the other offender; who had taken refuge in the
principal Songies Village near
Victoria, the Constable, and his retinue
of ten men, were surrounded by a tumultuous throng of armed Indians; who
set him at defiance, and were only restrained at the point of the
Baoynet from rushing in, and disarming his party, who were consequently
compelled to retire in disorder, without having executed the warrant,
and with the loss of two muskets, and a Boat,
which remained in the
hands of the Indians. As soon as that outrage was reported I sent a
second party to demand
‸of the Songies the Boat and Muskets, they had so
lawlessly seized, on pain of being punished if they objected to restore
them; but the mission proved abortive. They refused to give up the
property unless the Indian, who had been apprehended in the morning, on
the charge of Cattle lifting, and who still remained in custody, was set
at liberty.
Although very unwilling to proceed to extremity with those Indians;
who have been uniformly friendly, I could not allow Her Majesty's
authority to be thus treated, ‸with contempt and the law set at open
defiance, without a neglect of duty, and incurring greater evils, than
those which it was sought to avert.
Before resorting to coercive measures I however resolved to try the
effect of a demonstration, and with that view ordered out a few guns,
and directed the Hudson's Bay Company's Steam Vessel, "
Beaver", to be
anchored abreast of the village, in a position from which it could be
attacked to
advantage, and in course of two hours our preparations were
completed. In the mean time, there was much excitement and alarm, among
the Indians, the women and children were flying in all directions, while
the men, appeared to look
unmoved upon the scene of danger, but they had
also had time for reflection, on the consequences of pushing the matter
further, and, to my great relief, sent a messenger to beg that
proceedings might be stayed, as they had resolved to end the dispute by
restoring the Boat and Muskets, which were immediately given up.
It being then late in the evening nothing further could be done;
and the following morning the Songies Chief a well disposed Indian, made
proffers of compensation for the cattle that had been slaughtered by his
people; which were accepted, and quiet was restored.
I have probably dwelt at undue length on a subject; which may
not appear of much importance, from a wish to put your Lordship fully in
possession of the facts of the case, as well as our proceedings
consequent thereupon, and as similar difficulties will be of frequent
recurrence. I would beg the favour of your Lordship's instructions in
reference to other cases of the same kind. I would at the same time beg
to press upon your Lordship's consideration the advantage of stationing
one of Her Majesty's
Ships, employed in the Pacific, at this or the
Port of Esquimalt.
As a protective measure, the presence of that
force would place the
Colony in "security" and give an impulse to settlement, more than any
other means that could be devised, for it would remove the
idea; which now hinders many parties from embarking capital in this
Colony, that Her Majesty's Government are not disposed to patronize or
foster its interests in any way, and lastly it may prevent much future
evil, and in the end be a great saving of expense.
We have had no other cause of complaint nor difference whatever
with the Indians since my last report, and probably no serious
difference would ever occur were it not for the running cattle,
which often stray into the woods, at a distance from the settlement, and
offer an irresistable temptation to the hungry Indian, returning
unsuccessful from the chase, whose ideas are moreover somewhat
indistinct as to the real value of domestic cattle, being
considered in
the same light as the deer of the forest, in which he believes there is
no exclusive property.
Several land sales have been effected, since the report made to
your Lordship by the Hudson's Bay Company, to parties residing in this
country; who are erecting buildings, and bringing the soil into
The Puget Sound Company have commenced a large agricultural
establishment west of
Esquimalt, and another on a smaller scale near
Several houses have also been erected in town, and on the whole
much progress has been made, for the small British population on
A number of horses and cattle have also been imported during the
winter by the Hudson's Bay Company, and by individual settlers.
As a subject intimately connected with the well being of the
Colony it will not be irrelevant to inform your Lordship, that a boy's
school has been lately opened, chiefly at the expense of the Hudson's
Bay Company, for the instruction of the children of the lower classes;
which is well attended. That with the school conducted by the Hudson's
Bay Company's Chaplain, provides secular and religious instruction for
all the children in the settlement.
Two Priests of the Roman Catholic Communion, arrived a few
days ago from Europe,
being the precursors of
Monsr Demers, Titular Bishop of
Vancouver's Island; who is shortly expected here, his object being to found Missions
among the Native
Tribes of
Vancouver's Island.
There has been for some time past much excitement among the
labouring classes, on the subject of the Gold diggings of
Charlottes Island, to the great injury of the Colony, which has in
consequence lost many useful men. One of the Hudson's Bay Company's
Vessels sailed for
Gold Harbour, about the end of last month, with a
strong and well appointed party.
The "
Exact" and another American Vessel, which called at
Harbour since my last report, returned
unsuccessful from that voyage,
having been beaten off by the Natives; though the American force was
considerable, and well armed. Several other American vessels are
reported to be on the point of sailing from the Ports of
Oregon, for the
same part of the coast. I have no reliable information from California,
though the rumours in circulation lead to the belief that
Gold Harbour,
will be the great attraction of the season.
I have also to inform your Lordship, that this Government, have
it in contemplation to impose a duty
See last instructions. I think import duties can't be levied without
the consent of the Legislature of which there is none yet constituted.
on imports from Great
Britain, and all other countries, for the purpose of raising a
Revenue to meet its current expences.
Whether it will
be a fixed or ad valorem duty, uniform or distinctive in
its provisions, and the other details of the measure, have not yet been
taken into consideration, by the Council; but as soon as it is matured,
I will take the earliest opportunity of communicating with your
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
Mr Blanshard ought to have left copies of his despatches to the
Secretary of State in the Colony. It is quite contrary to rule for a
Governor to take away his despatches on his retirement. I should
suggest that he be called upon to deliver them to this Office.
Paragraph 7. As a ship of War has been ordered to
Charlotte Island for the protection of property there, of which the
Governor was
not of course not aware when he wrote this
desph, it is
unlikely but that the same vessel may occasionally be able to visit
VanCouver's Island, & afford the Governor the aid he asks for. You will
probably consider & suggest to
Sir John Pakington what instructions can
be given to the Governor for his guidance in the event of the Indians again misconducting
Paragraph 9. Should, I think, be communicated to
Mr Miller
to print with the return to the Order of the
House of Commons for
information as to what the Hudson's Bay Company had done in the way of
Colonization &c &c.
To give orders from hence as to the conduct to be observed towards Indians in
Vancouver's Island seems rather unlikely to be of much
service. If the colony is to maintain itself, as was the condition of
its foundation, the local government must needs be left very much to its
discretion as to dealings with the natives in the immediate neighborhood
of the settled parts, although distant excursions against them may be
discouraged, as they were by
Lord Grey's
Desp. of the
5th Nov. last?
Act upon
Mr Blackwoods Minute and in writing to the
approve of the firmness & good judgment shewn in the affair with the Songies Indians⎯
adding that I must leave the mode of dealing with the
Native Tribes to his discretion, trusting to his disposition to
Cultivate friendly relations with them as far as possible.
Other documents included in the file
Draft, Colonial Office to
5 August 1852, requesting that
he deliver copies of his official correspondence with the Colonial
Office so that they may be returned to
Vancouver Island.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
It would not surprize me to hear that
Mr Blanshard kept no copies of
his despatches⎯. If so we must make them here, & send them out.
Other documents included in the file
Minutes by CO staff
There is no authority for this passage, but as the Govr, in
ignorance no doubt of the Regulations, is in the habit of acknowledging
several dispatches at once, thus confusing subjects which ought to be
kept distinct, perhaps it may be considered right to send him a copy of
the Book?
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Blanshard, Governor Richard
Demers, Bishop Modeste
Douglas, Sir James
Grey, Third Earl, Henry George
Jadis, Vane
Lacy, Lieutenant Edward
Merivale, Herman
Miller, William
Pakington, Captain John Somerset
Vessels in this document
Beaver, 1835-1888
HMS Daphne, 1838-1864
HMS Thetis, 1846-55
Places in this document
Esquimalt Harbour
Gold Harbour
Haida Gwaii
Nahwitti (region and features)
Oregon Territory, or Columbia District
Vancouver Island