Augustus L Kuper, Captain,
20 July 1852
No. 5
I have the honor to report my proceedings up to this date since I parted from
your Flag at
Callao on the
10th April last.
1. Having crossed the line in 96ç.30" W, fresh South West winds
carried us up to 11ç North, when with very little interval of variables,
we fell in with the N.E. Trade which was very light throughout. We
carried Northerly and N. Westerly winds
up to 38ç North and 135ç West,
where we got a fine breeze from the S. Eastward which carried us up to
within 150 Miles of
the Strait of Juan de Fuca, which we entered on the
evening of the
23rd May and anchored in
Esquimault Harbour on the
Morning of the
2. As it was considered full early in the season to insure fine
weather at
Queen Charlottes' Island I completed the ship and wood and
water previous to starting and on the morning of the
5th of June, I
Esquimalt Harbor, but owning to calms and strong tides did not
succeed in getting fairly into
the straits of Juan de Fuca until the afternoon

of the
7th where we met a very strong breeze, from the
Westward accompanied by a dense wet Fog, and we had a very disagreable
and anxious beat down the straits during the whole night being able
scarcely to see a ships length a head. It cleared off on the
and we Made the Southern point of
Queen Charlottes Island on the evening
of the
13th, but owing to light and variable winds did not arrive off
our Port until the morning of the
16&Sth June.
3. The only person I could find at
Fort Victoria who professed to
have any knowledge whatever of
Queen Charlotte's Island, was a
a Gentleman now in the Hudsons Bay Company's service, who had
formerly been Chief Officer of the "
Una" schooner during her two visits
the Island and whom
Mr Douglas the Governor kindly allowed to
accompany me.
Mr Nevin declined taking any responsibilities as a
Pilot, but I naturally supposed from him having twice visited
the Island
previously, he would possess some useful knowleldge of the localities
etc. He proved however of no service whatever and on arriving off the
entrance of the straits leading to
Port Mitchell did not even recognize
the headlands, therefore as we
had had a thick fog the whole of the
previous day, and were uncertain of our reckoning, and the entrance
appeared very much narrower, that it had been described to me, I stood
off and on sent a Boat in with an officer to ascertain whether it was
the right Place; on her return I bore up and ran through a narrow strait
of little more than half a mile in width, with no soundings at 80 and
100 fms. in most parts of it and entered
Port Mitchell at 3 P.M. where I
found, the Hudsons Bay Company's schooner "
Recovery" the only vessel in
the Port, anchored close to the Rocks
near the spot where the Company
were carrying on their mining operations. I anchored near her with the
stream and sent the Boats away to find a secure berth and in the evening
ran farther up the Harbour into a Snug Anchorage which I have called
"Thetis" Cove where the ship was safely anchored in 22 fms, with
barely room to swing, and surrounded by precipitous hills of nearly 1000
feet height.
4. It would appear that the information contained in the letter
addressed to you by H.M.
Consul at
San Francisco on the
1s March last
was substantially correct but the amount of Gold as yet procured from
Queen Charlotte Island has I think been overated. The only place where
gold has as yet been found is in
Port Mitchell and the Indians maintain
that all they have procured came from the same spot, and that they have
not found it in any other part of
the Island, their reports however
cannot be depended upon.
5. The Hudsons Bay Co's schooner "
Recovery" arrived at
Mitchell from
Fort Victoria on the
5th April last
last, with a party of
men who had agreed to work on shares the vein of Quartz which had first
been worked by those on board the "
Una". The Hudsons' Bay Co. finding
all materials, powder, mining tools etc and receiving on half of the
proceeds towards paying the expenses, the other half being equally
divided amongst those employed, who although the regular servants of the
Company, were to receive no wages during the time. This expedition is
under the command of
Doctor Kennedy but from the information I received
from him as well as
from some of the miners, it would appear that they
had been much disappointed in their expectations. Several of the men
had already deserted and the rest all expressed themselves as anxious to
get away, as the amount of gold procured would not by the account of
Doctor Kennedy by any means pay the expense of Powder and Tools, and
would only give a very trifling share to the men. The gold they have
got has been procured by dint of very hard labour, the mere clearing the
ground being a matter of difficulty and the stone contiguous to the vein
of Quartz being exceedingly hard and difficult to blast. They
told me
that they had sometimes been days without finding fold. The vein is
close to the waters edge, and the portion opened about 20 feet in length
and in the deepest part 6 or 8 feet below the surface.
6. I have been unable to obtain any correct information as to what
amount of Gold has actually been taken from
the Island, but the "
previous to her being wrecked in
Neah Bay in
the straits of Juan de Fuca
certainly got
some and I was informed by
Mr. Mitchell who
commanded the "
Una" and is now in command of the "
Recovery" that when he
the Island in the "
Una", there was a considerable amount of gold
visible in the vein, but not being in sufficient numbers on board
they were prevented from working it by the Indians, but that the place
had been visited subsequently, by a vessel with a party of Adventurers
San Francisco, who are supposed to have met with some success. Of
the existence of Gold, in considerable quantity upon
the Island, there
can be no doubt
from the specimens of pure Metal which have been brought
for Barter by the Indians. The largest piece as yet seen, weighs 22
ounces and is in possession of one of the Chiefs, who however places so
exorbitant a price upon it (I believe 1500 blankets) that nobody has
been able to make a bargain with him. The Mountains as far as we were
able to explore abound in veins of Quartz, but the extremely rugged and
impracticable nature of the Country will present most serious obstacles
to the success of any adventurers who may
be disposed to visit
Island in search of gold.
7. I enclose a List of the vessels which have visited
Mitchell since
April last, for the purpose of seeking for gold. I am
told that they had each from 40 to 50 Californian adventurers on board,
but they appear to have met with no success whatever, and returned to
San Francisco, after remaining only a short time, during which they
appear to have examined many of the Hills and water courses in the
vicinity of
the Port. The only persons left hehind were a party of 7 men
professing to
be British subjects, whom I found living in a small Rocky
Island close to the "
Thetis" anchorage. They had been landed in the
beginning of
May from the schooner "
Susan Sturgess" which vessel they
expected daily to return to take them away again. They were preparing a
boat in which they intended to return to
San Francisco should the
schooner not arrive shortly. This party were also working a vein of
Quartz, not far from that of the Hudsons Bay Company, but according to
their own account
had not found sufficient gold to make it worth their
while to continue their operations and were anxiously looking out for an
opportunity to leave
the Island.
8. I have purchased for Her Majestys
Govt such specimens as I
could procure from
Dr Kennedy of the gold and gold ore found on
Queen Charlottes Island. Those of pure Metal were purchased by him from the
Indians. The specimens of Quartz all containing more or less gold, were
taken from the vein which the Company are now working in
Port Mitchell.
9. The Country around
Port Mitchell, is a series of rugged and
Rocky Mountains in some parts perpendicular for 100 feet or
more and thickly wooded whenever it is possible for a tree to take root.
The woods particularly where exposed to the N.W. winds, are much
blighted in many places. It is impossible anywhere to penetrate more
than a few yards into the Country without extreme labour, the ground
being a mere mass of Rocks and fallen and decayed trees of great size,
covered very thickly with moss. [Marginal note. It will be
a work of labor to survey this Country if
the Island is all like this.
ABd. We found good water abundant
in any accessible streams, but I think it probable that later in the
season when the snow is all melted on the Hills that it would be more
scarce, as even during our short stay, we found the streams considerably
diminished and few were sufficiently large to warrant the supposition,
that they would continue to flow during the heat of the summer months.
We found the climate damp and very changeable the thermometer during the
five days of our stay ranging from 56 to 80 in the shade.
Lieutenant Moresby after a fatiquing walk, succeeded in reaching a
fresh water lake of some extent, about a Mile and a half from the head
of the harbour and supposed to be about 400 Feet above the level of the
sea and
Lieutent Peel reached the summit of one of the highest peaks,
where he and his party walked for some distance over snow of
considerable depth.
Mr Peel describes having seen from thence a
large inlet or harbour to the Southward. From the information I
received, there would appear to be many good Harbours in
Charlottes Island; Not far to the
Northward of
Port Mitchell is a
passage which completely intersects
the Island and which was navigated
by the Hudsons Bay Co's steamer "
Beaver" from the Eastward to within a
few miles of its Western Entrance, where she was stopped by dangerous
Rapids. The Eastern Coast of
Queen Charlottes Island is said to be much
more level and the neighboring waters not so deep. It is said that
Antimony Lead and Iron are plentiful in that part.
10. The navigation of that part of
the Island which I visited
appears to be very free from hidden dangers, but is difficult and
dangerous for sailing vessels
of any size in consequence of the great
depth of water everywhere there being no anchorage except in a very few
places, too close to the Rocks for a large ship and the Mountains are so
high and abrupt that the winds are unsteady and partial.
11. The Indians upon
Queen Charlottes Island appear to be very
numerous and a finer and fairer race of Men, than those on
Van Couvers Island. From
our first arrival, we were daily surrounded by numbers of
large canoes full of Men, Women, and children. All the Tribes within
reach came to see what they called the
Mountain ship and we had at one
time upwards of 100 canoes round the ship, but the Indians invariably
behaved in the most friendly manner towards us and beyond the noise they
made caused us no annoyance whatever. They have almost all some portion
of European dress, and many understand some words of English. They are
considered to be generally well disposed towards their white visitors,
and I was
informed by the officers of the Hudsons Bay Co. that they
rarely had any trouble with them.
13. On the
22nd June I got under weigh taking advantage of a
light breeze from the S. Eastward which with the assistance of the Boats
carried us down to the Entrance of the Straits, when it freshened to a
strong breeze with heavy and variable puffs off the land enabling us
barely to
weather the Rocks to the Northward and having hoisted the
Boats in I was glad to get
H.M's ship safe out to sea.
14. Shortly after I weighted the American Schooner "
Susan Sturgess" made her appearance round the point, but as I could not
recover the anchorage I had left, I sent an officer to board her and
finding that she only returned for the purpose of conveying the party
landed on
the Island in
May, back to
San Francisco, and had nobody on
board, but a sufficient crew to navigate her I proceeded warning the
Master of her who together with most of his crew
were Englishmen, that
all speculation upon this coast could be there only upon sufferance.
15. We had S.E. Winds together with a good deal of rain until off
Cape St James's at Noon on the
24th when after some hours calm, a
Westerly wind sprang up. Passed
Scotts Islands on the afternoon of the
25th, entered the
Newitty Canal or Goletas Channel on the morning of
the 26
th crossing the Bay in 9 fms with very smooth water and
anchored in
Beaver Harbour at 1 P.M.
16. On the
28th I went in a Boat to visit the place where the
Hudsons Bay Company are carrying on their
operations in search of Coal,
which is about 10 miles from
Fort Rupert. They have got boring
apparatus at work in three different places, and have reached the
several depths of 45, 35 and 27 fms, but hitherto nothing has been
brought up to indicate any probability of finding coal.
[Marginal note. Hudson's Bay operations for Coal. No coal in mines.
ABd]. I was informed that it is their intention to continue boring
to the depths of from 80 to 100 fms, after which no hope of success
would be entertained of finding coal in any part of
Vancouvers Island.
The surface coal appears to be
abundant in the neighbourhood and is good
of its kind.
17. No alteration has taken place in the settlement at
Fort Rupert,
since the "
Daphne's" visit in
July 1851 nor has any vessel visited the
Port since, with the exception of the Hudsons Bay Co's steamer "
which called there some months ago, in passing on one of her trading
voyages to the Northward. The only land cleared or under cultivation
consists of 2 or 3 acres of Potatoes and a garden in
the immediate
vicinity of
the Fort.
18. I received a most favourable report from
Mr Blenkinsopp
[Blenkinsop] the gentleman in charge of the establishment at
Fort Rupert
of the conduct of the Indians in
that neighbourhood generally. I was
informed by this gentleman that the Newitty Tribe had latterly been
perfectly quiet and peaceable and that shortly after the departure of
the "
Daphne " last year they had themselves shot three of the Tribe who
had been guilty of the murder of the three white men, and brought the
bodies over to
the Fort
Fort as a proof when they were recognized as those of
the real delinquents.
19. I enclose herewith for your information the Copy of a Letter
addressed to me at
Fort Rupert from
Mr William Brotchie, who it
appears has been occupied for some time in cutting and preparing the
spars named in the accompanying List. I went with the master to examine
the spars and can confidently bear testimony to their superior quality.
Mr Brotchie deserves great credit for the patience and perserverance
he has displayed in teaching
the Indians to square and trim spars of
such large dimensions, and it is much to be regretted that having
exhausted all his means, he has not been left in a position to enable
him, to get them conveyed to England in completion of his contract with
the Admiralty, as I feel satisfied that the introduction of spars from
Vancouver's Island for the purposes of H.M's Navy would be most desirable.
20. I left
Beaver Harbour at 10:30 AM, of the
29th June and
beat down the
Newitty Canal against a strong breeze from
the Westward, making 56 Tacks in 13 hours, crossed the bar at the entrance at midnight
in 7 fms. on which there was a very high swell. At 1 A.M. when nearly
in Mid channel with the Westernmost visible Point of
Gallianos Island
bearing N.E. we shoaled the water suddenly from 14 to 5 fms with Rocky
bottom. As the ship was pitching very deeply, I feared she would have
struck but a strong ebb tide flowing swept her over the rock and into
deep water again before
she came round on the other Tack. We were
becalmed off
Cape Scott, with a very heavy swell setting on to the point
until the afternoon of the
30th when a breeze sprang up from the
Eastward which lasted 3 days a most unusual occurrence I understand at
this season of the year. We entered
the straits of Juan de Fuca at 4
P.M. on the
3rd July, but the Fog being too thick to run during the
night, did not anchor in
Esquimalt Harbour until the afternoon of the
21. Very little change appears
to have taken place in the
settlement of
Victoria, which is in much the same state, as when you
visited it in the "
Portland" last year. There are no new Colonists
since then [Marginal note. No fresh Colonists. [
and the only arrivals during the year, have been about thirty
five servants of the Hudsons Bay Co., who I understand are barely
sufficient to supply the vancancies caused by desertion or otherwise.
The few settlers occupying land in this part of Vancouvers Island
complain much of the Hudsons Bay Company, who so far from rendering them
any assistance appear
appear (by their account) to throw every possible
obstacle in the way of the advancement or improvement of the Colony, and
all not actually in the service of the Company, are anxiously looking
forward with the hope that H.M's
Govt may be induced to take the
Colonization of this fine
Island into their own hands, when it would
doubtless become a most valuable possession.
The Indians during my second visit to
Esquimalt, were almost all
absent at the Salmon Fisheries. They have latterly been quiet and
peaceable but
there was some disturbance in
March last which however was
fortunately put down without bloodshed, since then everything has gone
on quietly.
23. Since my arrival at
this Port, I have not, after strict
enquiry been able to ascertain that it is the intention of any parties
here, to renew for the present the search after Gold in
Charlotte's Island.
I have the honor etc etc
Augustus L. Kuper
Name of Vessel. Under What Colours Date of arrival Where Fro. Date of Departure
Schooner "
Susan Sturges America.
20 April 185.
San Francisco 11 May 1852
Brig "
Tepic. . . . Englis. 2. . . . . D. . . 15 . "
Brig "
Palerma. . . . America. 2. . . . . D. . . 15 . "
Schooner "
Mexican. . America. 2. . . . . D. . . . . "
Brigantine "
Eagle. . America. . Ma. .
Columbia River 7 June "
Schooner "
Cecil. . . America. 1. . .
San Francisco 26 May "