I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch, No. 2, of the
8th June, reporting the return of Her Majesty's Sloop "
Virago" from a
voyage of observation to
Queen Charlotte's Island, and enclosing a Copy
Captain Prevost's report of his proceedings.
I approve the Notice which in pursuance of your instructions, has
left by
Captain Prevost at
Mitchell's Harbour, warning persons
against settling or visiting the Islands for the purpose of digging for
Gold &c without a License.
I also approve you proceedings in despatching the "
Virago" back to
Queen Charlotte's Island for the purpose of making more particular
enquiries into the causes which led to the capture of the American
Schooner, "
Susan Sturges",
by the Natives; and of the instructions given
by you to
Captain Prevost on the subject.