Royal Roads
In 1846, Captain Henry Kellett of the HMS Herald gave the name “Royal Bay” to an area just outside of Esquimalt Harbour.1 The epithet “Royal Roads” eventually became more popular, as vessels would wait at Royal Bay before they entered into Victoria and Esquimalt Harbours—a roadstead, which is shortened to “roads”, is a less-protected anchorage than a harbour.2
Manuel Quimper originally named the area Rada de Valdés y Bazan in 1790, in honour of the Spanish minister of marine at the time, Antonio Valdés y Bazan.3
  • 1. Andrew Scott, The Encyclopedia of Raincoast Place Names (Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 2009), 512.
  • 2. Ibid.
  • 3. Ibid.
Mentions of this place in the documents
    People in this document

    Kellett, Henry

    Quimper, Manuel

    Places in this document

    Esquimalt Harbour

    Victoria Harbour