I have the honor of forwarding herewith for your information
a Proclamation issued by me on the
6 day of September
prohibiting the gift or sale of intoxicating drinks to the native
Indians of
Fraser's River; and also a Proclamation issued at
Fort Yale on the
15 day of the same
warning all
persons against occupying or disposing, without proper
authority, of Crown Lands in
Fraser's River, a proceeding rendered
necessary in consequence of an attempt made by
James Ray, and other
parties, to take possession of certain valuable Crown Lands in
Columbia, and as reported, to make collusive sales of the same;
and also a
of the intention of Government to survey the land in the vicinity of
Fort Langley and to lay it out in blocks and town lots, which will be put
up for public sale on or about the 20 of the present month.
I am not certain about the form of Title usually issued on
the sale of Town lots, or of other Crown lands in Her Majesty's
Colonies, and will feel obliged by your directing forms of such
deeds to be forwarded to me without delay.