Topographical Office, War Dept
4 New Street, Spring Gardens
24th Sepr 1858
I have the honour to submit it is extremely desirable before
the two vessels the "Thames City" and the "Briseis" chartered for
Victoria in Vancouver's Island leave this country, that an
additional contract be entered into with their owners by the
Admiralty by which it would be at the option of the Government to
send both vessels forward from Victoria to the Frazer River,
proceeding as far up that River to land the men and Stores as may be
deemed necessary by me.
Provision should also be made empowering
me if I found it necessary, to detain the Vessels at the final
place of anchorage in the river for a period not exceeding 35 days
(15 days beyond the usual latitude before charging for demurrage)
at some fixed rate now to be agreed upon.
To discharge the men and stores at Victoria and to re-engage other vessels to carry them
on wouldbe be exceedingly expensive and create great delay.
I have the honour to be Sir
Yr most obedient humble Servant
R.C. Moody
Col. R.E.