No. 45
Downing Street,
9 April 1859
I transmit to you herewith copies of a correspondence between this department and the President of the Society of Solicitors before the Supreme Court of Scotland relative to the admission of Members of that Society to practice before the Supreme Court of Vancouver's Island.
The Solicitors before theSupremeManuscript image Supreme Court of Scotland are at present excluded from practice in Vancouver's Island by the terms of the Order in Council of 4th April 1856, for establishing Courts of Justice in the Island, which only admits to practice Attorneys, Solicitors and Proctors of the English and Irish Courts and Writers to the Signet of the Scottish Courts. I have no doubt, however, that this phraseology was not adopted with any intention of excluding Solicitors of the Scotch Courts, and they appear to me fairlyentitledManuscript image entitled to the privilege of practising in Vancouver's Island.
The Local legislature has power to amend the existing Order in Council conferred on it by the Act 12 and 13 Victoria Cap 48, Section 2, and I have to instruct you to bring before that body a measure for the purpose of admitting Solicitors before the Supreme Court of Scotland to practice in the Courts of Vancouver's Island.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient
humble servant
E B Lytton
People in this document

Douglas, James

Lytton, Edward George Earle Bulwer

Places in this document

Vancouver Island
