Carnarvon acknowledges Douglas’s earlier request for £2,520 towards defraying the expenses of the Royal Engineers in British Columbia, and confirms the Treasury’s consent to add the amount to ongoing advances to be repaid by the colony.
No. 65
Downing Street,
16 May 1859
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No 112 of
the 10th of March last, acquainting me that you had been under the
of drawing upon Her Majesty's Government for the sum of £2,520 towards
defrayingthe the expenses of the Royal Engineers in British Columbia.
I have also received your despatches Nos 113 and 124 of the
15th and 26th of March giving the particulars of the Bills you
have drawn on this account.
In compliance with my request the Lord Commissoners of the Treasury
have consented to add this sum of £2,520 to the account of advances in
aid of British Columbiato to be repaid by the colony, and have authorized the Paymaster General to accept your
Bills to that amount.