Despatch to London.
Minutes (4), Enclosures (untranscribed) (1), Other documents (1).
Douglas informs
Newcastle that the projected cost of the Royal Engineers in
British Columbia during
1861 is £16,750, a figure that, he argues, cannot be reduced without
the public works so imperatively demanded [being] brought to a stand still, and the
progress of the Colony most disastrously retarded.
He claims that the colony
cannot pay this cost on its own, and asks that the
Treasury provide financial assistance.
Colonial Office staff minute that Parliament has only authorized £12,200 toward this expense and
that the colony will have
to pay any costs in excess of that amount.
Fortescue writes that
I cannot but think that the time has come to remove the Engineers.
Newcastle agrees, but notes that this cannot be done until a military force to replace them
is found.