No. 107
1 March 1862
I have the honour to enclose for your information a copy of a letter just received from the Treasury on the subject of the Proclamation transmitted to me in your despatch No. 70 of the 15th of November, providing for the raising of any sum not exceeding £100,000 on the security of the Revenue of British Columbia. On this important subject I shall havetoManuscript image to address you further, but I think it necessary not lose the present opportunity of directing you on no account to take any additional proceedings for borrowing money under this Proclamation until you shall receive further instruction.
I have the honor to be
Your obedient Servant
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Manuscript image
Copy, Peel to Rogers, 27 February 1862, on the Treasury's decision to defer a loan of £100,000 until the receipt of British Columbia's "Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the year 1862."
People in this document

Douglas, James

Peel, Frederick

Pelham-Clinton, Henry Pelham Fiennes

Rogers, Frederic

Organizations in this document


Places in this document

British Columbia