Correspondence (private letter).
Minutes (1), Other documents (2).
Holmes to Elliot (Assistant Under-Secretary)
34 Eastbourne Terrace
Hyde Park
August 9th 1865
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of
the 28th Ultimo informing me that Mr Cardwell has been pleased
to appoint me to the office of Registrar of the Supreme Court in
British Columbia.
I should ere this have tendered my thanksand and accepted the same
were it not for the peculiarly painful and critical position in which
I have found myself. I have been endeavouring to get placed on the
Seconded List of the Royal Artillery in order to retain my position
in the Army whilst holding the office of Registrar. In this
unfortunately I have been unsuccessful and have no alternative but to
resign my Commissionas as a Captain in the Royal Artillery or decline
the appointment Mr Cardwell has been pleased to offer me.
After long and anxious deliberation I have determined to give up
what has hitherto been my profession and embrace entirely the
Colonial Service in the hope that doing my duty in my new career, I
may not regret the step I have takenbut but may look forward to rising
and rapidly regaining lost ground.
With regard to the last paragraph of your letter I shall be
happy to Sign the necessary agreement with the Crown Agents when
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient
humble Servant
G.W. Holmes
Sir F. Rogers
In this letter Capt. Holmes accepts the appointment of Registrar of
the Supreme Court. As Govr Seymour is referred to in the letter
written to Capt. H. on the 28 July (draft attached to 7214) it may be
as well, in notifying the appointment to him, to send Mr Seymour
copies of the correspondence?
Instruct the Agents to issue to Capt. Holmes £150 for passage
allowance upon his signing the usual undertaking?