Correspondence (private letter).
Minutes (2), Other documents (1).
As Buckingham cannot offer Watsonany prospect of re-employment,Watson requests to receive a pension instead. Watson describes the reasons Watson should receive a pension and encloses letters supporting these claims. Cox’s minute states the reasons why Watson has no claim for employment on the Colonial Office, and Elliot minutes how Elliot should respond to Watson.
Watson to Adderley (Parliamentary Under-Secretary)
3rd August 1867
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch
dated the First Instant acquainting me, in reply to my letter of the
16th of July last on the subject of my appointment as Colonial
Treasurer of Vancouver Island, that His Grace The Secretary of State
cannot hold out any prospect of re-employment.
In reply, I have the honor to request that You will submit for
the considerationof of His Grace, my application for such Pension or
other compensation as Her Majesty's Government may deem suitable in
consideration of the loss of office which I at present hold under the
Royal Commission dated the 28th day of April 1862.
You will observe by reference to the copy of a letter of
guarantee which I received from the Colonial Secretary, previous to
the resignation of my former employment, dated the 28th December
1861—Enclosure No 1 with my letter of the 16th of July—that the
emoluments of office guaranteed to me at that time were as follows,
1. Four hundred pounds per annum to be paid out of the General
Revenue underthe the authority of the Vancouver Island Civil List Act of
28th August 1860 which has not yet been repealed.
2. One hundred pounds per annum to be provided out of the Sales
of Public Land.
I am fully aware that the control of the General Revenues of
Vancouver Island has passed, by the Act of Union, into the hands of
the Legislature of British Columbia, without any provision having
been made for the officers composing the Fixed Establishment of
Vancouver Island; but as the control of the Crown Revenues of the
late Colony is still vested in the Crown I presume that, in any
adjustment which may take place under the new administration, my
claim of One Hundred Poundsper per annum will be recognized.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient
and humble Servant Alexander Watson
The Right Honourable
C.B. Adderley
Under Secretary of State
for the Colonies
Downing Street
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot Mr Watson has no claim as he threw up an appt given to him of
equal Salary when he lost his former one—& in addition he had 6
month's leave of absence to enable him to come home, on full Salary.
I should remind him that another appointment in the Colony, with
the same Emolument as he was previously receiving, was offered to
him, & that he declined.
The vacancies which occur in the Colonies are rare, & the
claimants numerous, & the S. of State regrets that he has no prospect
of being able to offer Mr Watson other employment.
Elliot to Watson, 21 August 1867, reminding him that he had
given up an offer of employment with equal salary to his previous
office, and that the Secretary of State could offer no prospect
of being able to offer him other employment.