Buckingham transmits a letter from Sproat containing a memorial from merchants and companies asking for British Columbia to be included in provisions of the Reciprocity Treaty if it is renewed and the Colonial Office’s reply to Sproat. Buckingham briefly discusses tariff policies.
No. 89
21 October 1868
I have the honor to transmit to you a Copy of a letter from Mr.
Sproat with a Copy of a Memorial signed by himself and other Merchants
and Companies interested in the Colony, praying that I will endeavour to
secure that in case of its renewal the provisions of the ReciprocityTreaty
Treaty shall be extended to British Columbia.
I transmit to you a Copy of the reply which has been returned to
the Memorialists, and have to request you to furnish me with a report
upon the subject.
I think it necessary to point out that if any relaxation of the
Tariff should be made in favour of the United States, existing Treaties
require that the same advantage should be extended to other Countries.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient humble Servant Buckingham & Chandos
Other documents included in the file
Copy, Under Secretary of State of the Colonial Office to Sproat, 19 October 1868, informing that the Duke of Buckingham will communicate with the Governor of British Columbia and with the Governor General of the Dominion of Canada about provisions of the Reciprocity